
DisneyLand? or or Not?

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My son has been invited to go to disney land with his best friend who i trust, my wife isn't allowing him to go since it is in the school year in october which is early in the year and she thinks he will fail but he get high honor roll in school. So should he go or not?




  1. sure

  2. let him go if he is intelligent he can pass any exam.

  3. yes he should go. if he's an Honor student it's not going to hurt him to miss a few days of school.

  4. If your kid is in high school it might not be such a good idea. Mostly because missing a few days can put you way behind. Think about it and get anything that he may miss ahead of time.

    Edit: Going to Disney Land with his girlfriend is more or less a trust issue.

  5. let da kid go and kick that overprotective wife out the door!

  6. Can't go wrong with Disney. Lots of good values to be learnt there.

  7. I would let him go! Disney is a wonderful place, they will have a blast!

    Make sure he gets his homework in advance, then there's no problem!

    We took our babysitter with us to Disney last November, she did her homework on the way there and on they way back! She loved it!

  8. Let him go as long as he talks to his teachers first, gets his work, and doesn't miss *too* much's better to go to then than in the end of a semester

  9. let him go

    disneyland is the happiest place on earth :)
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