
Disneyland, Medieval Times or?

by Guest66214  |  earlier

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I want to have a great time with few of my friends for my 17th birthday. Which one do you guys prefer and why?




  1. got to go with disneyland

    its the funniest place of earth and makes many good stories

  2. Dysnry Land hey im going ther on wed

  3. disneyland all the way.

  4. disney land ! it has been the best place i have ever been

  5. It all depends on what you want out of the experience. If you looking to ride rides, play games and maybe see a show, then got to Disneyland. If seeing a show and having a meal is what you crave, then go to Medieval Times.

    Happy Birthday!

  6. ok soo i have been to both (medieval times for a feild trip) and i have to say Disneyland because it is sooo much funnier and in medieval times u just sit and watch


    so much FUN!

  8. Disneyland.

  9. That's a good question. I went to Medieval Times for my 18th, and it was one of the best times I had. Dinner and a show just hanging out with your friends. Won't ever forget my 18th, especially since it was our first time going. Great Experience.

    But if your looking for more of a whole day hanging out with your friends, then go to Disney. Can't go wrong with the happiest place on earth! ....

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