
Disneyland's Splash Mountain?

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What comes first? The final, 87 foot drop down Splash Mountain or when the geese, frog, and other animal puppets start singing 'Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah'?

And please remember that I am talking about California 'Disneyland'.




  1. It is the drop that is first.  Before the drop Briar Rabbit is on the way to the "Laughing Place".   The Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah song comes after the drop on the way back to the station.    There is singing before the drop but not Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah

    This is also the scene you can see from the Disneyland Rail Road

  2. haven't been on the ride for awhile, but if i remembered correctly, its animals singing and talking then drop then singing "zip a dee do dah" :D

  3. The Drop (which is 52 feet) comes first. After the plunge the log turn back towards the Mountain from the Rivers of America.

    The finale is when the characters sing "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" along the riverboat, just before the logs turn back into the station.

    The ride's order with songs and drops:

    1. Drop #1

    2. "How Do You Do?'

    3. Drop #2

    4. Drop #3 ('Nothing in here, but Bees!")

    5. "Everybody Got a Laughing Place!"

    6. Drop #4

    7. "Burrow's Lament" (Don't You Go to the Laugh Place")

    8. BIG DROP (#5)

    9. "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah"

    10. End of Ride

  4. there are tiny hills all the way through, but then you go down the BIG hill FIRST and then after, they sing zippe dee do da, after you go down.

  5. da singing animals *** 1st..dan da drop is da lst thing n y u ask?

  6. First you go up, then you go on a little drop, then there is singing animals, then there is like a wavy up and down roller coaster type part.  Then more singing, then the BIG drop.  I can't believe that there is no Seat belts.!!!! SOooo.  Animals, then Drop at the End, Trust me you know when your gunna go down, it seems like you go up forever.!!! and the drop is only 50 feet high, the one at Universal Studios Jurassic Park is 87 feet. Hope this Helped.

  7. The geese, frog, and others do first. then the drop

  8. the drop is the last thing.............all the singing comes before the big drop.


  9. i remember it as the singing animals coming first. even though i went in second grade, but i remember the singing animals singing was before the frightening part. And you know my memory. Remember the story i told you about this ride? lol! Allah yukhdik! lol

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