My grandparents gave my free plane tix to anywhere in continental us. I was just at disneyland 4 months ago and i live about 7 hours away, but b/c of xmas crowds (tip to never go to disneyland around xmas), i feel like i didnt get enough out of the trip. My mom is VERY against us going to disneyland again so soon when we can go somewhere like ny to visit family. And tho ive never been to dw, i kind of dislike it b/c of how overdone it is and doesnt really encompass the true walt disney vision.
so my question is, should I fight hard to go to disneyland again(which might be in almost 10 months!!!) or go to disneyworld w. my tix (and possibly give up my chance to go to d-land)?
and if i were to go to dw, which park is the best for a REAL disney experience - not car chases and sh*t thats just NOT disney?