

by Guest57406  |  earlier

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what do you need to act in disney land... or say i want to be a character there or something like that




  1. Others have given you the Disney Audition site. But to be a character relies a lot on personality and body type. For example,  face characters like princes and princesses need to be a certain height and have a certain face shape. Fuzzy characters also need to be a certain height, with taller people playing Beast or Goofy while smaller folks play Dwarves or Mickey.

  2. Go to the disney website:

    They hold auditions all around the country--

  3. haha well if you wanted to be daffy duck then you would have to spit alot when you talk.  but I would doubt that they would hire you.

  4. Well, obviously you need to follow their dress code. Disney IS a kid's park and they will not tolerate anything inappropriate.  To be honest, to be a character you might not need any previous skills, although I do recommend dusting off that old Mickey Mouse collection of videos you have collecting dust in the back of your closet. Admit it, we all have one. If you're worried about being hot in the California sun, don't quote me on this, but I think the suits are AC'd.

  5. You need to audition with disney parks, they can decide who you can be based on your facial features, height & weight. ( This is for the parade of dreams characters & gretting characters! ) Each character has a specific look that the will stick to, and some characters require special classes to learn an accent for example.  & parade characters learn choreography.

  6. Well if you are refering to a job at Disneyland, they have job fairs every once in a while and they hire for all sorts of jobs from trash pickers to photographers for both parks. If you wanted to "act" in Disneyland, i'm sure they'd like you to have some experience. If that was not your question, i'm sorry :]
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