
Disneyland tower of terror?

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would you recommend this ride for someone that hates drops on rollercoasters? or anyone went on it and really hated it because of that??




  1. It is a great ride but for someone that dont like the typical drop downs on rollercoasters, it wouldnt be a good idea.  This rides drops are worse than on a typical rollercoaster.  There are pretty much straight down and it does it more than once.  It is a great ride though. =]

  2. well i loveddddddddd TOWER Of TERROR

    but if you hate drops don´t go on and if you hate hieghts dont go on. WEll you sit in these seats then you start from the  bottom then ride up reallyyyyyyyy high and theres windows so you see outside and people see you, then it drops down really quick then it rises then drops down!

    well no i don´t recomend it for anyone that is afraid of drops or heights.

  3. i loved it

    it gives you the adrenalin rush and spikes you excitement!

  4. omg. I loved that ride. i don't really like drops either but you know what im starting to love them. Ahh they feel so awesome. you should deff go =] on it it's so worth it.

  5. I loved it, possibly my favorite ride there, but if you don't like roller coaster drops they stay far clear of it. It drops you around four times and it's very fast.


    I love rides like Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain and I've just gotten used to the drops on Splash Mountain, but it's not my favorite.  Typically I really hate big drops.  I just went on the Tower of Terror for the first time a week ago.  IT WAS AWFUL!!  I only went on because my friend I was with wanted to try it so much.  They take you up and then drop you at least 4 times, I'm not sure how many exactly because I was busy screaming.  You have a seat belt on, but I still flew up so that my bottom wasn't touching the seat at all the whole way down.  I was still shaking 15 minutes after the ride was over, and I bought the picture of me on the ride as proof that I went on because I would absolutely never ever go on that ride again.

  7. i loved it so much i went on it 3 times.. it scared the out of me when the elevator doors open and then u free fall thank got for the seatbelt cos even with it on i was hardly on my seat .. i would reccomend it to anyone who goes to california adventure land

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