

by Guest60687  |  earlier

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is it worth paying $37 for 4 hrs?




  1. it really depends on how old you are. my family went and some friends and their kids were from 13-15 years old and we  paid for it and we were done in like 2 hours. not really for older kids but they have a lots of arcade games and one big "ride" on each floor. an example of one of those "rides" would be the white water rafting similator. you sit in a raft and you have to paddle and yr boat moves and you get misted with water every so often. its like a big jillians if you know what that is.

    well i hoped this helped. if you have any more questions you can just ask me

  2. I got about 30 minutes- and hour to look around a little. I would say it is worth it. I think it's a pretty cool place, where you get to imagine yourself
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