
Disorders or are they not?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if I have some disorders.

I have intrusive thoughts uncontrollably.

I hate the fact on contamination.

I'm afraid of catching a disease by touching a door handle.

I do things repetitively.

I count things.

I'm afraid of certain things such as heights,being alone,.....

I'm pull my hair.

I pick the skin off of my lip.

I afraid of germs ad diseases.Mostly illnesses.

I'm afraid that someone is after me sometimes.

I get scared easily.

I pick scabs.

I broke my mom's glass table because she was out and we were talking on the phone and she hung up on me while I was trying to tell her that I wanted a milkshake.

I get really mad easily.

I get butterflies in my stomach for no reason.

I pray for every little bad thought that I have in my head.

I like being alone.

I am really sensitive.

I am sometimes really depressed over nothing.

I get depressed over thins that haven't even happened yet.

I cry over things that haven't happened yet.

When I take a bath,I continually keep washing my skin.

I also keep putting soap on the pouffe again and again.

I have certain numbers that I don't like.

I believe in bad and good numbers as well as good and bad letters.

I used to cut myself.

I count how many words I put in a sentance,I count how many times I've did something.

I also get stressed too.

I also put myself down a lot.

I think that I am fat even though everyone else says that I am skinny.

I get mad over stupid things sometimes.

I can't stop thinking bad thoughts.

I also stay up really late or used to a week ago.

Some nights,I wouldn't even go to sleep.

I got my schedule back on track but during the summer,I stay up at least until 5:00 a.m or all night.Around those times.

What I mean is that I like being alone at which means that I like to stay to myself but I don't like being at home alone or anything.

What is all of this?

I am really smart though.

I'm not making this up!You guys are being mean.I really do this stuff.I'm not sure why.But I need to know if I should see someone about it.

I'm being very serious here!This is not a joke or else I wouldn't have posted it.No rude answers.Please answer my question with respect and honesty.Thank you!

I guess do want OCD or something because it makes me different but I feel like I'm crazy for doing all of these things which makes me feel bad and stuff.I really do this stuff.

I look up this stuff on the internet and say "I should do this because I want a disorder."But it's not just that,I find myself doing these things uncounsciously.So I really do think that these are more than wants.I think that they are disorders.I find myself doing these things even when I don't want to.I don't want to be crazy though and that's how I feel.




  1. ok, if you are not making this up then there are a few issues.

    the 1st one is ocd, that would incude the germ thing, hair pulling, and repetition. there is medication for this. i think you also have a phobia disorder, which can go along with need to get some help.

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