
Disorganised and Confused?

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I feel my life is disorganized and confusing. My main reason for being depressed the most is because i am working in the same company for 10 years and have no particular huge problem but I AM FED UP. I have a stable family but my home is cluttered. I would like to start my own business but i am scared. At work i's depressed and fed up. At home i feel its a mess, it's cluttered and messy and i feel tired. i feel so de motivated in life. Pls help




  1. You have 4 questions 1. about the job--- Start looking for another job. Don't tell anyone at work what you are doing. It will show you what other posibilities may be out there or you will discover that what you have issn't all that bad. But at least you will feel like you have some control of your life. 2About the depression--- clutter can cause depression. So can feeling like you are stuck or out of control of your life. Do something anything to add a bit of spice to your life. Maybe        take a class , like business law or something that   would go  with the business you want to start. there is no better way to get happy than to help someone else. Get your mind off your own troubles and give someone else a hand.3---Clutter is like a monster. I should know. Begin to de-clutter one room at a time. try for the easiest room first. Look around the room. Have a bag to throw away things no one else would want. A bag to donate to good will. and a bag of things you are not sure that you want to get rid of. Put the last bag in the basement or garage and if you still haven't gone into it 6months or a yr from now get rid of it. Now you should have at least one room that feels uncluttered.Go there to think. It should feel good. Remember that it took a long time to clutter up your house it may take awhile to de-clutter it. 4 Create a plan for your business. The bible says despise not small beginings. So maybe you can start in a small way to test out the waters so to speak. Conquer your fears. Everything will be alright. Try to break problems into smaller pieces. Go do something you think is fun. even a one day vacation can be invigorating. Join a group, get out into nature. It's hard to stay depressed if your looking at a beautiful sunrise on the lake or something beautiful. Listen to beautiful music. Tell the people you live with that you need help getting rid of clutter. Maybe it can be a family project. Have a garage sale all the profit could be used for a family outing. Good Luck. Chin up.Now Smile for me.

  2. No two opinion, you are depressed and first you need anti-depressant medicine to feel fresh. Then you will be able to judge your present and plan for the future. Better if you start Fluoxetine-20, one capsule every day with your breakfast for six weeks. In your case a MBBS is capable to help you. Don't worry, you are sure to be all right.

  3. Read Scripture.Puts this hum drum life in perspective.

  4. You can take a week leave to relax and clean up your house. Since you are fed up with your work, I don't see a point of you continuing it as I understand its going to be very stressful. If you have enough savings and capital, you can try setting up your own business. Think you will enjoy more, feel less stressful and will have more job satisfaction.

    Cheers ~~ Always remember that tomorrow will always be a better day. Stay cheerful always as being fed up or down or sad won't change anything for the better. So just smile and be happy.

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