
Disoriented kitten..

by  |  earlier

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Yes, this is the same stray little kitten as before....seems she has a few problems. I'm home alone for the day, so there is no way of outside contact, but I'd like to know what in the world is going on with my younger kitten, say around two months.. Just a day ago, she has refused all movement, literally. I could place anywhere at all, she will not move. Her eyes are crossed, and when I look at her, she appears to be looking above me, or around my shoulder. She will eat, but also refuses to use the litter box. If I put her down in her basket, or on my bed to rest, she cries as if in pain. I really have no idea how to handle'll be a good fourteen hours until I can ask someone, anyone have any idea what's happening, or maybe how I could help her?





  1. buy her a lolipop and everything will be all good...

    p.s. you could get a more accurate answer if you included whether or not your kitty muffin can see dead people.

  2. It sounds like dementia. My vet was telling me about how dogs and cats are susceptible to it, but there is no cure. You need to put her down.

  3. It sounds like she's in a lot of pain and probobly dying. Do you have a phone so you can call an emergency animal hospital? Are you old enough to call a taxi to take you to one? This is heartbreaking to me. It sounds like she may have been hit in the head, I really hope someone in your house didn't do it. Please get her to a hospital as soon as possible.

  4. Put her in a quiet dark room with some water and a box (some towels or blankets inside) to sleep in. Check on her every hour or so to make sure she's alright, but leave her alone otherwise.

    She needs to see a vet, if she's seizing they have medications to help her. but if she's having long ones there might not be anything that can be done for her.

    Putting her in a dark quiet room is going to lessen the stress on her.  I know you're scared, I had a dog that did that and I had no idea what was going on. *hug* be strong.

  5. well take it to the vet,i know this sounds like an obvious answer but you should do it before its too late i will pray for your kitty
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