
Dispatches: Undercover Mosque?

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Is anyone else watching it and what do you think?

I actually think it's disgusting. This is in Britain and the kids are being brainwashed to believe that Christianity is filth (those were her exact words) I'm no church-goer or anything but I think it's a disgrace. How the h**l do they get away with it and more importantly, what the h**l are they doing in this country if it's so disgusting?




  1. I have seen this and other similar programmes. It is diabolical that any religion should preach hatred against another. Who cares if it happens in one mosque or a hundred it should not happen at all.

    No doubt we will hear from moderate Muslims that this occurrence is extremely rare and does not represent the true Islam. May I say that they would do their faith more good by denouncing these extremists and closing down the mosques where such behaviour has taken place.

    They get away with it because our pc mandarins are too lily livered to challenge them. It may infringe on their human rights after all!

    As to why these preachers of hate come to this country, they come because of the freedoms they have, freedoms they do not have in their own country.They also come to ensure that their young people living here grow up with a hatred of this country and it's people.

    Ask ourselves what would happen to us were we to do this to them then ask ourselves whose side would the law be on?


    Please note I said "preachers of hate" .

  2. Preposterous. It's giving a completely incorrect and obnoxious image of Islam.

  3. That is just a sick minority.

  4. If they can convince the children of the evil of Jews and Christians, they are well on their way to creating a generation of terrorists.

    It IS a disgrace, I agree.  It's also a form of child abuse.  

  5. This is disgusting! I'm watching it now, we shouldn't allow these people in the UK...

  6. Outlandish opinion on any extreme is obnoxious and damaging

  7. Well that's what they have been saying about Jewish people for a long time - good to know their actually coming out and saying it about Christians too.

    It might be a minority at the moment but just wait and see which side the less extreme come down on.

    They get away with it b/c our government have preached 'tolerance' for so long that the Brits are scared to even discuss the way the Muslim population speak of us -- if we do we're shouted down - especially if we're Christian!!

    Maybe now the UK will wise up and see what's really going on. We are living in scary times.

    Thank you for speaking out agaisnt it       :  )

  8. One has to wonder why the Authorities do not act against these people. I am sure that similar preaching by Christians, Hindus or Jews would result in immediate legal action. What we have here is another example of the UK government grovelling to a small Muslim minority.

    In my opinion whe should deport all Muslims, and just lock up those who refuse to go. ALL Muslims are the enemy within, and it's about time that we dealt with them as the enemies that they are.

  9. After God has been killed off, then true Utopia may begin.

    Atheism is not a religion; its just an evangelical faith in science.

    All the best.

  10. It's a tv program - they wouldn't have such good viewing figures if they didn't shock you or make you think. The thing you have to remember about these "documentaries" is that they have been edited to death to put across whatever point the producers want to make...

    If you are that appalled why don't you go to down to your nearest mosque and speak to them? not to confront them or anything, but just have a chat and see what they really think about stuff - it's mad to flip out like this over some crappy tv program...

    I saw a bit of that jesus camp about america and I couldn't believe that either - there's always a few mad extremists and there's always people out to use them to make the rest of us panic - in the end these people are a minority in the uk, we shouldn't be so insecure, I'll never wind myself up about this cos I know britain is ours. It's that simple.

  11. The simple fact is that abrahamic religions breed ignorance, violence, and hatred for those that don't share their delusion. It's been that way ever since they were created.

  12. I saw it the first time it was on. You've got to put it in perspective, It's not every Mosque in Britain- even so, it does show a clear need for careful scrutiny and regulation of the islamic faith here in the UK.

    It'd be nice if it was the Muslims that kept their house in order- before the government has to step in.

  13. I hear the UK is having a bit of a problem with religious zealotry... I know the feeling as I saw the previous airing... it's like Jesus Camp in the US.  Only we can't deport ours...

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