
Display Driver stopped responding and has successfully recovered?

by Guest59321  |  earlier

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My pc was idle for roughly 8 hours, with only An internet browser open.

When I returned home, I had this message

"Display Driver stopped responding and has successfully recovered"

The strange part is that the pc slowed down, just moving my mouse around seemed like I was watching a video at 5 frames per second.

Specs are:

Vista home, amd athlon 5000+

3gb ram

400gb hard drive

Latest drivers installed for Geforce 6150 SE integrated

What could have caused this problem?No it is not enough memory since I have 3 GB with the latest drivers installed.

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  1. Your video card driver has overheated or you might have a problem called VIDEO CARD OVERCLOCK. How much video memory do you have? but if you said that only a browser is opened, that doesn't make sense. In my experience... it's only overheated. well if 8 hours have passed, is the screen saver activated?? If yes then that caused the Display driver to slow down. It uses a large amount of video memory and a screen saver activated for 8 hours is a torture on the display driver

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