
Disposing of litter in an apartment

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My husband and I will be moving to an apartment soon and I'm wondering how I'm going to dispose of the cat dirties without wasting a bunch of plastic bags (not very "green") and preferably without flushing. I currently use biodegradable litter and I flush it because the box is in the bathroom, but I've heard flushing cat litter is bad. I like to keep it extremely clean and scoop the litter almost every time she goes and do not want to have to leave the apartment every time to just dispose of one poo. Where should I put it all? I heard some people say a diaper genie. I have no idea what that is.




  1. Save the plastic bags you get at the grocery and use those for daily scooping.  Tie the bag up tight (really helps with the smell) and then place in your regular trash.  When it's time to do the entire box, you will have to use a large trash bag.  I like the Glad ForceFlex bags, very strong.  The last thing you need is a trash bag breaking and litter everywhere!

    Also, flushing litter is a bad idea and your landlord can hold you responsible for any damage if you are in violation of your lease.

    Good luck!

  2. This is what worked for me.  I kept the litterbox inside my unit, but scooped it 3 times a day, into a small brown paper lunchbag.  Then I put this bag out onto my balcony, in a little plastic-lined garbage bin with a lid on it, which I disposed of once or twice a week.  You can also put baking soda beneath the plastic liner of the little garbage bin. The brown paper bags are a lot more "green" friendly.

  3. The diaper genie is great... it is a devise that you put a soild diaper in a loooong plastic bag (not green again) and then it twist to seal it off then another  then another.  

    You will still be using plastic.

    Another way I do (when it is snowing at my house and I dont' want to run out to the trash) is I get a plastic tub with a lid. (you can find the locking lids at some stores) ..

    put one plastic bag inside it .

    then put litter in ...

    place a tie or rubber band on the bag so you can get into it again.... then  

    place the lid on secure and when the bag is full or part way full (or when you take out your household trash) then take the bag down to the bin.

    This way you will only be using one bag for several cleanings.

    good luck

  4. Maybe use an old carboard box and leave it out on the patio or near the front door? It's tough without going outside everytime you do it.


    I used one when I lived in an apartment, and I LOVED it!  It made my life SO much easier.  It was about $20 at Petsmart.

    It completely seals away all the smells and I emptied it every two weeks.  

    Much better than going outside all the time or leaving poo in your trash can (no matter how tight you seal the baggie, it will smell).

  6. Try the silica crystal cat litter.  It absorbs all the urine and turns the p**p into little fossilized lumps that you can scoop out on a daily basis or just leave them in there until you dump the litter box as needed.  The directions on the package say a four pound bag will last one cat a month but we change ours more frequently because our cats are very picky about their litter.

  7. This will hopefully be your solution.

    I use worlds best cat litter which clumps when they wee and nicely covers and naturally deoderizers when they p**p, when you pick up the seive the whole lot comes out in one lump and you can tip it in the toilet (even if you have a septic) saves landfill problems, messy clean-up and you can do it a few times a day or each time they go.  The litter naturally disperses in water as its corn kernels so won't clog your system.  

    Just for your info I also bought a largish tray set with a built in litter sieve, two trays and a top box which is supposed to help brush off the litter when they jump out. (2nd tray sits under whole box and you use it whilst cleaning the one you just sieved then put that one under, The sieve goes back in the clean box with the litter over it) It was only $15.99+tax from Petco and seems pretty cheap.

    People may say this litter costs too much but when you weigh up how much you actually use (flush away) compared to most litter which settles on the bottom, smells and has to all be thrown out together in the trash its probably cheaper. Its also made from corn (as mentioned above) which is natural if they eat it whilst cleaning their paws and its not got all that dust that clay litter has.

    A diaper genie is just a white large sealed bin that apparently stops smells when disposing of dirty diapers, mine isn't great but its better than nothing.  If you would rather go this route than my advice above then look at garage sales (especially ones that advertise baby items) I picked mine up for a dollar and then the liners you buy from toysRus or babiesRus for about $6 for a whole roll. It sits in the top and you pull a long continuous liner out, tie a knot in the bottom, and fill it up.  When full you just pull it out the bottom, cut, tie a knot in the top to throw away and redo a knot in the empty part ready to fill again.  Still bad for landfill though.

  8. well, there is always the window.

    if you are lucky, you wont like the neighbor across the hall and you can throw it at his door. make sure to throw at an angle, so he blame the guy next to you.

    a diaper genie is like the tooth fairy, but he picks up dirty diapers. for a small fee, leave it under the litter box, he will pick up cat litter.

    oh alright, here is a serious answer.

  9. Get a dog.  Dogs love eating cat poo.  Problem solved.

  10. No matter what you use it will smell everytime you open it - but I used an empty Tidy Cats 40lb container for a while.  It was ok, but whenever I opened it, it stunk really bad, even with baking soda.  Your best best is to just recycle plastic grocery bags and take it out everyday like we do (or if you have a back porch, put the bag out there for an extra day - but it will stink).  Ask your apartment manager if flushing the used litter will harm the pipes, if they don't, then your "home-free" - if not, just recycle the plastic grocery bags, you're still being green in a way.

  11. a diaper genie is a thing u put dirty diapers in.

  12. I think you'll find that you'll have to adjust your litter box routine since you'll be living in an apartment. Perhaps once a day is more feasible. Why not get one of those "self cleaning" litter boxes?

    BTW: A diaper Genie is a good idea. Ask any parent of a diaper-wearing baby and I'm sure they'll describe it to you. I'll attach a link just in case.

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