
Dispossession in South Africa?

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Should areas that in 1652 were inhabited by Khoi and San people be renamed with Korana and Griekwa names and should affirmative status and land claims be filed for their "coloured" descendants?

PS. What about my Great-great grandfathers house and factory that the Boers blew up in 1898? Can I file a claim against anyone after my family were wrongfully dispossessed of their property and home?




  1. The Khoi and the San can probably claim,but who are u to claim??..On who's land did ur Great grandfather biuld his house and factory on??..Did ur fore-father transport the land into this country? Did they carry this land on a ship and bring it to South Africa?? Get smart and think before posting!!

  2. MJ, all well but where will it stop? Granted, there were wrongs in the past and people and communities were placed somewhere else against their free will. The current generation does not know that they are living on property or areas that belonged to others before. If these areas are claimed, will that not cause more frustration and hate. I don't know. It is a time bomb if not handled carefully. Look what happened in Zim with the farms.

  3. I have personally heard of stories where people where given property back after it was taken away during the apartheid, but I've never heard of anything being given back dating as far back as the 1800s HOWEVER, that's not to say it isn't possible. I think if you can provide conclusive proof that this property would rightfully belong to you, that's a leg to stand on. The question is whether or not the current government (and subsequently land agencies) will take responsibility for something like that and give that land back to you (also depends on who owns it now) . . . good luck.

  4. Were your forebearers Khoi? Are you a coloured? MJ strange I did not know you were a coloured, thought you with the white atavar are white?

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