
Disprove The Bible with science?

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I dare any of you out there to disprove even one aspect of The Bible. Anything. Go for it. Go on now, get started.




  1. It's like asking to use a howitzer to destroy a cardboard hut.

  2. answer: Better yet - use science to prove it.  World-wide floods, talking animals, raising from the dead, talking serpents, incest creating all of mankind.....

    Kinda silly sounding, isn't it?

  3. Well, I know bats aren't birds. Is that what you're talking about?

    And you can't prove or disprove the existence of God.

  4. Don't quite know what you're asking for....are you saying that no part of the Bible contradicts another part?

    That means that no one part can contradict what another part says, right?  I have no intention of using science...I will simply use the text of the Bible itself...

    if you're talking historical accuracy, here's a point that needs to be the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), Jesus and the disciples have a Last Supper during the Passover meal...we are specifically told it is the Passover meal in all three books...but in the Gospel of John, Jesus is taken to be crucified at the moment the Passover lambs are killed - the Passover lambs that are to be eaten at the Passover meal that will happen later that day/, in other words, Jesus is crucified a day earlier in the Gospel of John than He is crucified in the synoptic gospels...

    It's easy enough to look up, and it's there in black & white...I'm not referencing anything except the Bible, and it's not going to matter what translation you use, the meaning of Jesus's death is enhanced by John's gospel - becoming directly equated with the old Jewish sacrificial system and therefore replacing it by becoming "the Lamb of God" - but either John's gospel or else the synoptic gospels must be wrong about WHEN Jesus was crucified - they can't both be correct in an historical sense...hense, historically, it is not infallible...

    So the Bible is not really about something that "happened"'s about something that "happens" to you when you encounter it as a spiritual text - not a scientific one, and not an historical the "truth" of the Bible is really going to be a subjective experience...if you find that it's lessons will lead you to be a better person, than I would encourage a person to become a Christian and enjoy the positive benefits that fellowship in that religion will bring you...but not everybody that becomes a Christian does become a better person - some people invest themselves into a darkness and anger and paranoia that they not only embrace, but insist others embrace too...those people probably shouldn't be anywhere around Christianity...not only do they tend to make the religion look bad, but on a personal level the darkness in them only gets blacker with time....

    CHINA:  First off, I can't believe you're telling me you can't find the word "lamb" in the Gospel of John -it 's all over it!  But more specific to my point, during the day of preparation, the lambs are slaughtered at noon.  Chapter19 of GOJ is AFTER they have had the "Last Supper", and at verse 14 the lambs FOR PASSOVER are being slaughter as Jesus is to be crucified.

    Matthew 26 - start at verse 17 - before Last Supper, they plan the Passover meal

    Mark 14 - start at verse 12 - sacrificing Passover lamb before Last Supper

    Luke 22 - start at chapter 7 - day for sacrificing the Passover lamb, before Last Supper

    I really shouldn't have to do this "nonsense", as you call it - if you "believe" in the Bible, you should at least "read" the Bible...

    2nd EDIT:  Passover begins at sundown...I would have thought a Bible "believer" like you knew that...lambs are slaughtered on the day of preparation at noon because they will eat them that evening - at sundown - when the Passover meal begins.  Read the synoptics again, they are all dealing with the day of preparation BEFORE the trial & crucifixion.  In John, Jesus is being crucified DURING the day of preparation.

    The length of time it took Jesus to walk is meaningless to this argument - He would take the same length of time in each gospel.  To take you version into account of that would mean that Jesus took 24 hours longer to walk to Golgatha in John than He did in the synoptics.

    The point is when did the trial & crucifixion happen?;  In the synoptics, Jesus has a Passover meal for the Last Supper.  In the GOJ, Jesus has a Last Supper the night before Passover, for the events of the day of preparation are taking place WHILE the trial and crucifixion are going on.

    Choose her as BA, rye; NONE of her "answers" has refuted any of the arguments brought up to you, except maybe the unicorn one, but then that brings into question the claim that these people who say the King James Version translation is "infallible".  Statements like "a miracle is a miracle is a miracle" could hardly be considered scientific - it is simply, like all her "answers" a convenient dodge to try and hold onto the outdated concepts of Biblical literalism - Biblical literalism, which is the single most contributor to unbelief in the whole enterprise of Christian faith.  You two, and those like you, are doing more to destroy Christianity than you realize - Faith is about the meaning in our lives, not what you think you're holding in your choose her as BA... it's certainly not above some Christians to treat truth like a popularity fact, it's the reason this place can't live up to it's charter as an exchange of information, and why the anger on here is so prevalent.

    I actually feel sorry for you....

  5. OK... When the devil took Jesus up to a high mountain and showed him all the nations of the earth. This was written from the assumption of a flat earth. If they had used their powers to see all the nations, they would not have bothered with the mountain.

    I am flying across the sea tomorrow in an aeroplane. If I can see a curved horizon then the world isn't flat.

    EDIT: China, I repeat: if they had used their powers to see all the nations, why would they bother going up a mountain?

  6. Can't prove a negative.

    If I gave you an in-depth explanation, using the principles of chemistry, as to how you CANNOT transform H2O into fermented grape juice, you would just say "Waaah, Jesus could do anything".

    What would you consider "disproving"?

  7. Pi is not 3.0, bats are not birds. Plants did not come before stars. There was no global flood. There was no town of Nazareth till 400 years after the new testament was written. The sun never stopped lengthening the day so a man could win a battle. There was nothing original in the Bible, 20 % of what Jesus said was plagiarized from earlier myth Gods.  

  8. In science, the bible cannot be disproved for two reasons:

    Number 1). In science, the closest to truth that a scientist can come is a theory, and even a theory is not concrete and can be disproved with new information.

    Number 2) The bible is faith based, meaning that be as Christians believe the Bible by faith and are saved by it aslo. No one can ever ever disprove faith. Habakkuk 2:4 says that ..."the just shall live by faith."

  9. Genesis 1 is a good start.

    It says that God created plants before he created the sun. Science shows us that plants require sunlight (although, it is not clear whether ancient people understood the science behind chlorophill reactions). Thus, all the plants should have died on the first day because they couldnt metabolise their food. Thus, God either got lucky or he is just a plain c**p gardener.

    Furthermore, Genesis states that "bats" are birds. This fails to note that bats are infact mammals and within a wholly different branch of the animal tree.

    Furthermore, it says that God did this 6000 odd years ago, and yet we know from uranium, strontium and carbon radiometric dating that the earth is at least 5 billion years old.

    Thus, just a little bit of science to destroy the foundations of the bible.  

  10. the bible is just a ******* book first off and it has so many contradictions that it's really unbelievable

    plus science has proof that the bible words really aren't true

    AND...well thats all really

  11. Donkeys don't have the vocal chords capable of human speech.

  12. The Bible is a collection of ancient fables.  It's not a collection of scientific theories.  It's fiction. There's nothing to disprove.  It would be like trying to disprove Batman.

  13. Everything in the bible is as real as you want it to be.  Most of the bible is pointless stories that can't be proven or disproven.  Can you prove the Tooth Fairy doesn't exsist or that there is no Santa.  Most of the theories to the stories are just copied over from earlier stories from older religions.  So I say if you wanna believe in anything believe in the Egyptian Zodiac.  Go here: to see why.  Watch starting with the 10th or 11th minute.

  14. God created Satan as his first angel. Satan was inherently Evil or destined to become Evil. God is supposed to be Omnipitent meaning he already knew that Satan would be evil, therefore God is not good. Or if he is good then he is not Omnipitent for he DIDNT know that Satan would become Evil. This also indicates that God is fallable.

    Answers the question "Can God create a stone he cannot lift?" answer would have to be yes for he created an angel with attributes that are not his own. Seems to defy logic does it not? As logic is used to disprove Scientific Hypothesis. I therefore logically and scientifically have disproven the Christian God.

    >>> NEXT >>>


    China Satan was imperfect for "vanity" and "pride" are considered "Sins" in the eyes of "the lord" therefore he was with fault. He still BECAME Evil, God being ALL KNOWING (omnipitent) would HAVE TO KNOW he would become Evil therefore God cannot be Good can he? or if he didnt know then he is not all knowing is he? does the simpler language make this easier to understand?

    God created Evil therefore He cannot be the God you cling so strongly to can he?

    A perfect being is incapable of mistakes and is infallable. It should not have pride as pride colours ones thoughts. It should be secure in its perfection as it IS perfect it needs nothing to tell it so. YET the Christian God requires constant emotional support. Feels anger (LOTS of anger again not a trait attributable to a being of good) and partakes frequently in vengence.

    Your Bible God doesnt exist.

  15. First of all --- the bible was written by man. Anything that man touches is corrupted. End of argument. I win.

  16. How about some logic in stead.  Don't believe the Scripture records which tell you that the God of love directed your forefathers to go forth in battle to slay all their enemies--men, women, and children. Such records are the words of men, not very holy men, and they are not the word of God. The Scriptures always have, and always will, reflect the intellectual, moral, and spiritual status of those who create them. Have you not noted that the concepts of Yahweh grow in beauty and glory as the prophets make their records from Samuel to Isaiah? And you should remember that the Scriptures are intended for religious instruction and spiritual guidance. They are not the works of either historians or philosophers.

  17. The Bible is the Word of God.  There are no contradictions in the Bible because God cannot contradict Himself.

    To answer Max--Not only did Noah bring his wife and sons on the Ark but also the wives of his three sons.  8 people were on the Ark with all the animals.

  18. The bible disproves itself.

    Scientific discoveries disprove it even more forcefully.

    Flat earth

    The universe made in 7 days

    The world being only 6000 years old

    and so on

    Give me a break we aren't all morons!

    Don't even start me on talking donkeys!

  19. Hey, neither Science can disprove Bible nor Bible can disprove Science. But want to know the fault of Bible, then read carefully.

    In Bible Gens 614,  The Noah'a Arc, every human family was destroyed except of Noah. It means today's generation is of the Noah's.

    But Noah didn't have any daughter. He had only sons. Even if he had a daughter, it means that his son/sons would have to marry their own

    sister. Then what do you think of that.................

  20. Well for one thing the bible says there are unicorns. Where are they now? Go on now, get started.

  21. you can't for true science and the bible are both correct

  22. Let's see. Evolution is a fact. That defunks the bible. Or at least genesis.

    Histoy. That defunks everything else.

    Atheistically yours,

    JM Gendron.

  23. Here's something for all the atheist skeptics. I dare them to read it.

  24. Prove that it did happen.

  25. i gonna disprove those trying to disprove the bible. fun...

    Alex- the Bible said that the earth was round first

    žäшãđźҜә- the word that says 'unicorn' in the original language translates to 'ox' or 'wild ox'

    Cathartes aura- it's only an educated guess that everything was created 6,000 years ago

    Scavenge...- too bad all these 'proofs' are pure opinion...

    paintedhorse30- a miracle is a miracle is a miracle. look it up, we aren't meant to understand them.

    Ethan- "Then the Lord opened the Donkey's mouth" again, a miracle is a miracle is a miracle. the point is that God makes the so-called impossible possible.

    Jolly Green Justin- why do you limit supernatural beings such as Jesus and Satan to physical powers? seriously...

    READIN' KETTEH(he changed his name to REX DART eskimo spy... it's that really long answer under Jolly Green Justin)- who told you that nonsense? in the crucifixion in John, it doesn't even mention a lamb...i read that somewhere too, but i didn't believe it because i couldn't find it in the Bible...some people say that Jesus and the passover lamb were killed on the same day, but find it in the bible & then get back to me.

    RESPONSE TO HIS/HER RESPONSE- First of all, i can't believe you can't read! "in the crucifixion in john"...really... anyways, it still doesn't say the word lamb so take your own advice and look it up. anyways, research it on the internet. Jesus had his meal before this, earlier that day. it was the DAY of preparation, and 6 hours had already passed, he had had plenty of time. this is of course assuming that this wasn't the Preparation for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which i think it is, in which case, it wouldn't matter. (p.s. he also probably wasn't even crucified that day seeing as he had to carry a heavy cross for miles after his whole body was whipped and his body was weak.)

    Ez Peezy Lemon Squeezey- i am proving it and if what you said was true we wouldn't have to go through the nonsense of the THEORY of Evolution.

    Dr. Rjinswand- you're right i will say it (again). a miracle is a miracle is a miracle.

    CASE- (1) God already made light, he later concentrated it. also, he's the one who made the plants dependent on the sun so i wouldn't question that if i were you. (2) check this out: (3) again i say, 6,000 is a guess.

    JM Gendron- dude, i try not to call people stupid, but really! if Evolution was a fact, it wouldn't be called a theory, would it? wow....

    Max- read better. the Bible says that eight people went on the ark: Noah, his wife, their sons, and their sons wifes. really...

    lifelover- 1) where exactly does it talk about Pi in the Bible? 2) explained above. 3) no proof. God can make them appear to be whatever ‘age’ he chooses. After all, he made Adam and Eve as Adults. 4) Not fact. They haven’t found older writings about Nazareth besides the Bible, but it was a small town. 5) cause I’m sure you know everything the sun has ever done, right? 6) Proof please? Then I’ll worry about it.

    Chris B- God made Satan (Lucifer really) perfect, which gave Satan a big head, which made him become evil. Pretty simple really. This also answers the second part so…

    YY4Me- seeing as I can disprove the first things on each of those links, I don’t see them as very accurate.

    Lighting Up Time- 1)(starting where he said the flat earth) said above. 2) again, a miracle is a miracle is a miracle. 3) again, a guess.     Nothing original in this answer…

    The End, unless more people answer later. I’m going to sleep now.

  26. Radio carbon dating.

    Also, archaeological evidence that shows that the Sumerians started figuring out how to create beer 10,000 years ago, which, if you believe the Bible, was 4,000 years before the Earth was created.

    Ta-daaaa!  What do I win?

  27. The burden of proof lies with the party claiming something is for real but has no science to back it up. When you prove it, I'll believe in it. I don't need to prove something doesn't exist so that I can justify not believing in it. We didn't "prove" Loch Ness or Bigfoot doesn't exist, but people don't all believe in that either. The burden of proof lies with you, to prove it is real.  

  28. The Bible can't be actually disproved except by lies and distortions, because the bible is inspired and therefore it is true.  It's the infallible word of God.  

    Science cannot disprove it because God created science and everything it consists of.  God is over all and he has created all things good.  Man messed up the world and needs to repent.  

  29. Fossils. The earth is not flat.

    Can you prove these creatures from the bible ?

    A talking donkey in the bible?

    dragons in the bible?

    giants in the bible? (not the sports team)

    satyrs in the bible?

    a talking burning bush in the bible?

    unicorns in the bible?

  30. Here are a few resources:

    The Biological Sciences

    The Physical Sciences

    Mathematical Errors in the Bible

    Science and History in the Bible

    Flood Geology



    There you go.  

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