
Dispute on ebay?

by  |  earlier

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a dispute has occoured on an item i have sold on ebay, i have aggreed to refund part of the money back and the buyer has agreed. wot happens now does the dispute consel refund the said amount from my paypal how does this buyer get paid. also as it is resolved will the already negative feedback placed be removed?????????????




  1. you have to physically refund the amount agreed , if you look at the paypal transaction there will be a refund link - click on it then put in how much you want to refund if not the full amount. as far as the negitive is concerned I am afraid your stuck with it , there used to be a thing for removing feedback left but when ebay changed their feedback rules (sellers can not leave negs) they got rid of it.

    edit : if you are still having problems email me and I will show you step by step how to refund a set amount :-

  2. negative feedback usually stays but can be retracted. the refund will come out of yourpaypal account
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