
Dispute with Equifax?

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We filed bankruptcy in October of last year and I just pulled my credit report with Equifax to make sure everything was accurate and I had like 12 accounts in collections that still showed balances. I called Equifax and told them that they were included in Bankruptcy & disputed them, but my question is how does the dispute process work and will this increase my credit score when they zero them out or whatever they do?




  1. First off calling them was wrong. You should always do all of your communication in writing and sending everythin via register mail. In your letter you should of disputed each item individually and state what is wrong with each item. You should have also supplied them with a copy of the creditors list that is in you bankruptcy and a copy of your discharge. This helps in the disupting process and it also gives you a record of what you did. The law firm that I work with is now in the process of suing Equifax for not verifiying and correcting the error on our clients report.

  2. I don't know how good your credit will look since you've claimed bankrupsty, not much worse than that.  But they usually have 30 days to get back to you to aswer your dispute & it will go from there.

  3. there is a lot of step by step guides here


  5. I don't think your credit will go but rather remain the same or worse since you have claimed bankruptcy....three things that greatly effect your credit rating negatively are late payments, collections, and bankruptcy...

    As far as how the dispute process works I believe they just contact the companies you disputed -- tell them the reason why you are disputing --- the company then conduct an investigation and notify the credit bureau of it's results --- depending on the results the bureau will either update your file with current info, delete the items in dispute, or change nothing if they find that info contained is correct...
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