
Disputing a posted answer?

by  |  earlier

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If you find that you do not necessarily agree with an answer posted before your own, what do you do? Thumbs down it? Post a rude rebuttal in the text of your own answer? Ignore it and simply post your own answer?




  1. All of the above and more: I lay down on the floor, on my back, and throw a temper-tantrum. After a few lagers it's all ok again, thank goodness. Then it's off to my court-ordered sensitivity training class!

  2. I usually ignore it and post my own answer. Ocassionally I thumbs down, but I don't really have the time (plus I'm lazy) to thumbs down every question I don't like.

  3. i give it a thumbs down. everyone has a right to their opinion. and i have a right to not like their opinion =) so no need to write a response... thats being just as immature as the bad answer.

    and then i give an answer if i feel compelled to lol..

  4. no i would think another questions

  5. I simply post my own answer, and ignore the one I disagree with.  After all, it's up to the questioner to decide for themselves which answer is best and which proves the point.

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