
Disrespecting The Troops????

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You're in the checkout lane and the person ahead of you is talking with the cashier and just steam rolling the troops. Calling them killers and criminals ect and talking about how horrible America is and how we should pull out of Iraq.........

What would you do?




  1. Unfortunately many people have died so that this brain dead moron can run their mouth without fear of being imprisoned and killed. Sadly, most people don't appreciate what others have done for them.

    As for your question, my first impulse would be to relieve them of their over-abundance of teeth, but my rational side would probably tell them to shut the **** up!

  2. Ignore it .   You can't possibly change anyone's opinion in a check out lane and any disagreement with them may lead somewhere you don't want to go in that situation.

  3. First ammendment of the USA . free of speech.  The soldier is doing what he have to do , in order to protect that Freedom.

    ironic right ?

  4. Ignore it, he's voicing his personal opinion and he does have the right to do that.  If the cashier is offended he or she should respond but if it isn't directed at you, you should avoid conflict with strangers.  Some people are crazy and you speaking up could be enough to send him over the edge.

  5. You shouldn't listen in on other people's conversations.  It's a free country, everyone has an opinion, and some opinions are offensive to many.  You could either butt in and start arguing, like they'd do in New York, or you can simply stay out of it, and ignore it.

  6. Pray for her.

  7. The Troops in Iraq are under attack nearly 24 hrs a day, dodging RPGs and fighting not for a better Iraq,but just to stay alive. It has always been the young men and women who make the supreme sacrifice, and must bear the wounds and scars of war,they shed their blood and furnish the corpses. It is not the soldier who declares war,but our leaders. It is the soilder thats wants peace. These young men and women are not fighting for freedom and democracy, but for a lie. Our leaders declare war ,but it's up to you to stop it.

  8. I would keep my mouth shut and not get involved, as she is not talking to me.

  9. I don't blame the troops about doing their job, with honour and courage.  I blame the government for using them and deceiving them and sometimes getting them killed.

  10. I will tell that person to first pull himself out of that checkout lane.

  11. Wait for him outside.

  12. I wouldn't do anything.  Everybody is entitled to their opinion.  If they brought up the issue in conversation with me I would respectfully disagree on a few points, but I wouldn't intrude on their conversation with somebody else.

  13. Nothing at all its that persons right to say whatever they want.

  14. If I were able to speak calmly, I'd explain to that person that news editors, politicians and our enemies can carefully edit facts from news stories that lead people to the conclusion desired by the editors.  

    But I understand that people feel safer if they believe that war doesn't start until our troops arrive and that war ends just as soon as they leave.  It's what I believed back in the 60's and early 70's. About a million people were being slaughtered in the killing fields of Cambodia while I was patting myself on the back for stopping the Vietnam War.  

    The person you describe HAS to believe that soldiers and cops are the bad guys.  He HAS to believe that voting to replace the guy in the White House is all he has to do to make the world a better place.  If our soldiers are necessary, or God forbid, HEROES... then the idiot in the checkout lane hasn't done enough, and he can't believe that.

  15. I'd eat them for breakfast...the troops are not responsible for the war,they have enough to deal with surviving without some fool trashing them.Anger with the government should not be planted on the Men and Women who do their best to safeguard our country.

  16. Nothing. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. If they talked to me I'd express my own opinion saying the American people should start figuring out a quick way to stop that moron living at Pensilvannia Ave before more kids in uniform die for oil and his (and his friends) subsequent profits from it.

  17. I ask this person to stop insulting my kid and the millions like her who don't have the backbone to do what she does.

  18. Everyone has the right to express their own opinions, but it's not fair to blame the troops for being brainwashed into making Raytheon,Haliburton, GE,... rich.

  19. I would accept the fact the person has little knowledge about what he is saying and ignore him/her. People who act like this are out to get attention - why encourage them with any recognition? Our TV talk show people were put on earth to bring attention to these kinds of people; we do not need to help them along, they make enough fuss without us. Oh - maybe you were referring to one of the talk show hosts! They stir up so much dissention with their contracted discussions. Instead of good old news commentaries they like to twist information bringing more confusion to the issue!

  20. I would tell that person that isn't she glad that she has the freedom of speech because of the very same people she's condemning?  Then I'd tell her to tell my children to their faces what she thinks of their father.  Then I'll let my protective motherly instincts kick in....

  21. This may not be your favorite answer, but when you hear these comments, just remember that our troops are trying to keep Americans free.  

    Free to exercise their rights.

    Free to hold personal beliefs, and to express opinions that may not be popular.

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