
Dissapointed and confusion...?

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Well as of today I am officially 10 days late on my period..I had gone off the pill last month after my last menstrual cycle. I have had unprotected s*x quite a bit after that so I have been feeling symptoms like sore breast and nipples, headaches and such. I had taken a test a day before and like 2 days after and both were negative so I decided to wait more since maybe it was too soon..Today I took another test and still said negative...could my body just be out of whack from stopping the birth control pill last month is there a chance of pregnancy still?




  1. Going off of birth control can throw your cycle off for months. I would buy an OPK and test to see if you're even ovulating yet.

  2. Since you just stopped taking the pill last month it might take your body some time to readjust. have you called your gynocologist just to see if perhaps you could be pregnant? They can do a blood test which is more reliable than a hpt.

  3. I would guess you body is still out of wack. I could be wrong, but I have heard before that it takes a couple of months for BC to work completely out of your system. Maybe take one more pregnancy test just to be sure, but 10 days after your period you should be getting a positive test if you really are pregnant.  

  4. Well, I'll tell you this.  As a person who used to take BC pills, chances you're not.  When you stop BC pills sometimes you go through a period of amenorrhea, because your body is adjusting to the removal of hormones.  A BC pill's job is to fool your body into thinking you're pregnant, so you don't ovulate and basically make the walls of the uterus inhospitable to holding an egg.  It takes at least 2-3 regular periods for you to get back on track, but there have been people who ovulated right away, but those are rare, rare exceptions.  Test again on the 2nd week of your missed period at the dr's their tests are more sensitive.  It's mostly likely just hormonal left over.  Don't strss yourself out either, because that could be another problem.  But don't worry, if you're pregnant, then it was meant to be.

  5. There is still a little chance you are pregnant.  

  6. It could be your body is just confused or you could be pregnant.  Not sure.  You may want to go in for a bloodtest.  Sometimes those urine tests don't work on everyone early on.  It can take a while for birthcontrol to get our of your system and for your body to get on a normal cycle.  Wait it out and see or get the bloodtest.  Also stress can make a period late.  Mine was 10 days late a while back.  I have had completely normal periods until ttc now they do what they want to do...LOL!!  Best wishes!!!

  7. there is always a chance....but maybe there is not enough hormone in your system, for the pregnancy test to pick up on.

    try a few different tests.......

  8. I was in the exact same situation when I went off my pills three months ago.  I actually started using the Clearblue Easy Ovulation Tests as soon as I went off the pill so that I would have a better idea about what my body was doing.  I never could get those stupid sticks to tell me that I was even ovulating!  Finally, three months after stopping the pill, I received a smiley face saying that I was ovulating...10 more days till I can take a HPT!

    Don't get discouraged!  I went from a steady 28 day cycle (prior to the pill) to a 33 day cycle now that I'm back off of it.  I would recommend you get the ovulation tests to get to know your cycle better.  Good luck and happy baby practicing:)

  9. it could be out of whack, but the safest test is a blood test.  it literally takes 2 minutes and you can have the results within hours.

    your local clinic can give you the test.  you don't need a referral from your primary care doc

  10. im going through the same thing, im sorry it COULD be because of the pills but you could be pregnant.....i feel your pain im crushed i actually thought i was...

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