
Dissolving solid potassium nitrate in water

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why does crystallization of 32 grams of solid potassium nitrate occur at around 86 degrees C while it occurs at 22 degrees C for 8 grams of solid potassium nitrate also dissolved in water ?

i guess what i want to know is why does the temperature need to be higher to have larger amounts of solid potassium nitrate remaining dissolved in water ?

note : the same amount of water is used for both amounts, as well as for other values in between and also the result's are from a class experiment and if they are the correct value or not it is not a concern!

please no smart *** answers, or say that ive made a mistake with the experiment or the results are wrong ! idc!!




  1. Most of the soluble salts like that reach saturation level at some point.

    Heating and stirring increases the solubility of solids, that is why at a higher temperature u were able to dissolve more solid.

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