
Distance From Face to Computer?

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I'm doing some kind of test on Ergonomics c**p and its asking me something I can't find in both text book or internet. It's asking me how far a computer monitor should be (INCHES) from your face (If in the right posture). Just a normal DELL or those school monitors. Can someone help? Thanks.

P.S. It says symptoms of Carpal Tunnel are numbness, weakness, tingling, and pain in the fingers (or less commonly in the palm). I've been feeling tingly numbness in my left pinky (I'm right handed so I don't know if it makes a difference). for over a month now. Am I getting Carpal Tunnel? may seem paranoid sorry, but I'd like to know because I'm on the computer almost every day typing and all the while my left wrist also starts to hurt. ANYONE KNOW??? Thanks!




  1. Hummm, well, CTS usually occurs on the hand you use mostly (mouse hand).

    In your case you are typing a lot, is that correct?

    As for your left pinky, it is probably just a bit of bad circulation from resting your arm or something like that. CTS is quite painful so a little numbness is likely circulation.

    Here is what I do so that none of these things happen to me and I too am on the Internet/computer for many hours in every day.

    I sit in a stationary but a swivel/rocker chair where I can put my feet up from time to time and my computer is on a Mobile table, so I can adjust the distance from my face to what is comfortable for me. (usually 2-4 feet from my face).

    I have mounted a mouse pad platform on the right arm of my stationary chair with a shallow cushion for my right/mouse for-arm to rest on.

    When I type, I bring my keyboard to my lap. I take breaks or I don't type continually for more than 10-15 minutes at a time.

    This works best for me but almost everyone is different.

    Do what works best for you.

    I don't as yet use a lap-top so I have no idea how sitting that on my lap for hours would effect me.

    Good luck.


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