
Distance from Mexico City bus station to La Villa?

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How can I there? bus, cab, metro?




  1. The distance depends on which bus station.There are "four" main bus stations in Mexico City.The easiest and perhaps safest way is to take an "authorized" taxi.The least expensive way is to take the Metro.All four of the main bus stations have a metro stop just outside the station.If you are not experienced with the metro a taxi would be your safest and best choice.Look for a "Sitio" sign inside the terminal usually near the exit/entrance doors.Here you will prepay your fare to your destination. Fares are fixed and are determined by the zone into which you´ll be traveling. Next to the counter where you’ll prepay your fare is a map detailing the zones, in case you want to verify that you’ve been charged the accurate amount. After you purchase your ticket you walk outside to the line of authroized taxi’s (“Taxi Terrestre”), let the driver stow your luggage in the trunk, enter the taxi and then hand your prepaid ticket to the driver who will hand you back your receipt portion.These taxi’s are considered safe to use as opposed to any of the other city taxies that roam the bus station area seeking to pick-up fares (to take one of these taxi’s is considered risky).

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