
Distance from earthquakes epicenter?

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What is the distance from an earthquake's epicenter to the recording station if the measured lag-time on the seismogram is 51 sec? ____ km




  1. k it depends on many things. EVERY PHYSICAL FACT IN THE AREA. just like sound waves traveling in cold vs. hot air, shockwaves travel differently through rock dirt montains water etc. so that is impossible to answer

  2. If by lag-time you mean the time between S and P phases, then multiply that time by 8 km/second and you'll have your answer.

  3. It slightly vary from place to place.But as a thumb rule you can take every second delay in arrival time of secondary wave to that of primary wave is about 8 k/m per second. In your case the distance of epicenter is 408 K/M. The ratio of S wave to P wave is 1.7 :1.On this factor I have designed an instrument called distance finder. You need not find the time difference and calculate the distance from the seismograph. My instrument will run at the rate of 0.125 Milli second for every lapse of time between the p wave activation and S wave activation. This will display the distance in digital form and direct reading. I am the man issued the warning 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast. I have several imported and my own design instruments connected with the seismology. But the world may take few more years and several thousands death before understanding and accepting my instrumental mechanism of saving people from disasters.

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