
Distance from mother???ahhh!!!?

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Hi All

I got married less than a year ago and haven't had the best of health. We live 10 mins away from my parents, and are moving away soon so we will be about 30 mins away.

My problem mum texts me EVERY day to see how i am etc....i don't mind her asking how i am, its just if i don't text her back that day she'll text me later or the next day saying ' oh i haven't heard from you' etc

I will keep in touch....but how do i get her to see that she can't see me or hear from me EVERY day???! I mean i have got my own family now!

I don't know what to do - she is hyper sensitive by the way...just she makes it seem like a crime if i don't talk to her every day..

It's not just texts either - phone calls, calling at my door just to say 'hi'...

Don't get me wrong I love my family its just I'm starting to feel.....squashed!! Help!! what do i do?




  1. Unfortunately, she may get very upset if you tell her straight, wait till you move 30 mins away, but at the end of the day she is your mother and you may feel gutted if you tell her to back off. Being 30 mins away she may think twice about calling around when you accidentally on purpose not answer your phone to her every day.

  2. OMG at;east your mom loves you and communicates with you. My mom give me the silent treatment most of the time. Guess the best thing you can do is say " mom, I love you, and I will call you later in the week" and maybe that will work, maybe not. You may have to be more blunt and tell her you need a little more space. Trust me, its a problem I wish I had, rather than not hearing from my mom.

    Blessings to you

  3. I understand exactly why you are moving away!

    Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, the old dear will get over it, you will always be her little girl!

  4. OMG that makes me sick reading that ,i guess its where i am so close to my mom ,i wouldnt dream of not being able to talk to her everyday .What would a little text message hurt if you did have to send it to her .I guess i just to young to understand.Tell her how you feel.

  5. i understand what you are saying. i cant speak for myself but my sister moved out awhile back and now has her own family and my mother was like yours, she did it with best intentions but she wanted to ehar from her all the time, it annoyed my sister but like you she wanted to approach it delicately to not hurt my mum. after awhile my mum did get used to it anyway but my sister asked her to meet up and get a coffee and spoke to her about it, jus explaining how she felt and my mum when she realised completely understood. i would just talk to your mother, and im sure shel understand. just be careful not to hurt her though as she is onyl probably missing you :)

  6. Tel her you love her and understand her need to be reassured that you are doing fine. Let her know she is smothering you. You can do it tactfully.  

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