
Distance running plan for a semi beginner?

by  |  earlier

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i play soccer a lot but right now my mile time is at about 6:15-6:30. tryouts are in 3.5 months and id like to drop my time to less than 6. i used to run under 6 but ive gotten out of shape and i was wondering if someone could give me a like weekly plan to go by or something to get ready for tryouts. im 5'9" 170 lbs. i think i have around 10-15% body fat so im in shape but not like ripped. thanks to anyone who trys to help




  1. What I would recommend is for you to start working on a base and just keep running until you fell like you can run 5-6 miles without stopping. Once you think you can do that you can start to train hard and do some track workouts. With the track workouts you should do them at goal pace for the mile. Do a weekly plan would go something like this:

    Monday- track workout (300, 400, 600, 800, 600, 400, 300, 200, 200, 200)

    Tuesday - easy 30 min run

    Wednesday - 2-3 mile HARD run, you want to run this like it is a race.

    Thursday - easy 30 min run

    Friday - long 60-75min run

    This workout will help you drop your mile time because it helps you you with the speed that you need and the endurance. I would really try this out and you will see results. Good luck!

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