My bedroom is in the attic. About since I "moved" up there, though, I hear very strange noises. I really payed no attention to it until one night, it sounded like a bird was pecking at my window. Last night was one of the worst times. My dog, who lies on my bed with me, stayed up almost all night alert in a sitting position and kept rubbing her head on my hand. Then, it sounded like pellets were being shot at my windows. At one time I almost peed myself because it sounded like something was walking on the roof. It couldn't have been a squirrel or raccoon or anything because there are no near trees and it sounded heavy w/ a lot of weight and force against it. It wouldn't be birds, mice, etc. etc. I actually caught some of the the noises w/ my phone. Since this has been going on for awhile, my dad checked everything out thoroughly with my uncle's help w/ no good cause.
BTW, the house is over 100 yrs. old.
What do you think this is and has anybody had this, 2? Stories?