
Distinguish Boeing 737 - Airbus A320?

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How do you distinguish a B737 from a A320 airplane? They seem to be identical even from the inside!

For instance the "fasten belts" sign is identical!




  1. passenger and cargo capacity--airbus "way Big!"

  2. The easiest is the wingtip fences for the A320. The B737s come either without a wingtip device or a fully developed winglet. The Boeings have more pointed noses, the rudder fin have the distinctive spine. For the A320 the trailing end of the rudder fin is a bit away from the APU exhaust while for the Boeing its all very close. The Boeing has its wings further down on the fuselage (comparatively) than the Airbus.

    And a lot more subtle differences... (all these from the outside)

  3. The main way to distinguish between the 737 and the A320 is the cockpit windows.  Notice the diagonal corner on the Airbus aircraft.  All Airbus planes have it.  While the Boeing one is straight and the corner is not filled in.  


    This is the airbus:


    This is the Boeing:



    Also the Boeing plane is the only one with the engine nacelles that have a noticable flattened bottom and are not round as usual.  


    The Airbus will have the wingtip fence used by that company whereas if it's on a Boeing plane the winglet will be larger.




    As far as the interior, they are pretty much identical with some small differences.


  4. Wings of A320 has winglets whiole B737 have none B737 have Yaw Sticks whilke A320 have sidesticks, engins of A320 are rounded while B737 are irregularly shaped circles. A320 have pointed APuU's while B737 doesnt :)

    by the way B737 higher version usually have but very iffrent :)

    okay if someone doesnt believe me, check their websites

  5. Are you trying to identify the planes from inside?

    oh That is tough !

    Easiest is take a look at your airline ticket. It usually tells you what plane you're flying.... Well mine does anyway

    Other than that... look at loads of pictures of 737s and A320s... and play spot the difference. Good luck on that one.

  6. its nearly always written on the rear fuselage. Have a look next time

  7. Also, the entrance door on a B737 operates differently. When you are boarding, take a look at the door. If you can see the cabin interior of the door, ie facing outwards, its a 737. If the exterior skin is facing outwards its an Airbus.

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