
Distracted drivers/bad drivers - mothers with kids etc..?

by  |  earlier

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As more laws are passed about distracted driving, what kind of distracted driving have you seen the most of? I have seen numerous women who are distracted by children, even seen one woman turn around in her seat and swing at her child! I've seen cell phones, coffee drinkers, makeup applyers, and people who seem to have dropped something they bend over to pick up. I've seen lots of people who seem to be oblivious to every other driver around them, and they never look to change lanes. I've seen racing on the freeway, teenagers that think a license gives them permission to cut everyone off and drive as fast as they want without paying attention to signs or lights. I've cursed many drivers - wishing they end up in a ditch by themselves because of their own stupidity. Life is too precious to waste on stupid people like that.They should be taken off the road permanantly.




  1. I think it's sad that you wish people to wreck- mothers with small children? what? you wish for children to be involved in car accidents- you sound like a really great person.

    The most I've seen is I guess probably cell phone talkers or just inconsiderate people who just don't seem to care, they are in a hurry so they drive fast, cut people off, pass and then hit their breaks and turn, driving wildly through a parking lot.  It seems nothing is ever quick enough for some members of our society

  2. Aside from all the things you mentioned, the most serious one is drunk driving.  It makes me angry when I read about innocent people getting killed by someone who was driving drunk and a lot of times these drunk drivers walk away unharmed after having wiped out a whole family in a vehicle.


  4. Speeding

    Not wearing a seatbelt

    Talking on a cell phone while driving


    Playing loud music

    Forgetting to signal

    Jerky movements

    Sloppy turns

    Inconsiderate of other drivers on the road (i.e. refusing to let other cars change lanes or merge into traffic flow)

    Backing up the car without turning head to look thoroughly behind

    Failing to reduce speed in potentially hazardous zones such as neighborhoods, construction zones, etc.

  5. f****n'A

    There are some serious crazies out there.  I think people who have a wreck of their own fault should be limited to driving a low horsepower, possibly electric car, that is not roomy enough to treat like a playground.

  6. the winner by far is talking on the cellphone while driving. it seems that a lot of people cannot multitask. so i say to those people, hang up!

    it is very irritating when you are going down the highway and some driver is yapping on the celly doing 60 mph and totally not noticing that you and fifteen other cars are waiting for him/her to switch lanes and give way. then when you finally pass them they give you the dirty look and sometimes the finger too.

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