
Disturbed about record profits for fuel co.s & all we're told is because price of oil?

by  |  earlier

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It seems to me that our "tax stimulus checks" went right into our gas tanks to pay for record setting fuel prices? HMMM? And how many of the Bush frat party members including himself and their families related to fuel/oil corporations? Something smells fishy. Exxon just recorded a record breaking profit of 11 billion. Sounds like a nice little retirement fund exit strategy for the presidency.




  1. how many families got to eat today because of all the people these companies employ?

    and I agree with the dude above me, companies are in business to MAKE moneym, duh.

  2. Why is making a profit a problem? It isn't. Good for them for pulling the largest ever. They are running their business effectively.  

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