
Disturbed by daughters dreams?

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My 4yo daughter had a rough night last night. She had two dreams that she told me about. The first she ran into my bedroom crying that her older brother had a hole in his head and white water and blood were coming out. She crawled in bed with me and fell back to sleep. About 20 minutes later or so she woke us both up screaming that there was a robot snake in her bed. I don't let her watch scary shows on tv or anything like that. My mom thinks she is just worried because the brother (12) was away this weekend with his bio dad and next week will be away on a mission trip with the church. What else could it mean? Does anyone know?




  1. All I can tell you to do is pray.

  2. she probly watches her brother or other kids play "dead" and maybe he or another child teases her like..."ooooooo WATCH OUT FOR THE SNAKE!" kids will be kids....even the good christian ones!  don't worry too much yet.

  3. it sounds like just nightmares your daughter has a strong imagination when she sleeps...snakes are usually an omen but in this case of it not being a real snake it was robot it means she is fighting through her dreams and her enemy in the dream is fighting back..only she is stronger and it takes the form of a robot snake as she gets stronger

    i cant answer the one on the brother one...just protect his head for  a while..and make sure he is healthy and well taken for both of them.

  4. they're  just dreams. jeez.

  5. Dreams put us in a place where reality doesn't. She is experiencing life don't worry about it unless it becomes frequent (:

  6. Hi,

    Let me know if she has any more dreams, ok?  If she does, they could reveal more if there is something to be concerned about.

    I, and a friend of mine also, are praying for you and your family.

    Sometimes these "head wounds" are not physical.

    It could even be a RELEASE of something that needs to be drained.  After Jesus died on the cross, the guards pierced his side, hitting his heart, and blood and water flowed.  Medically, this is a sign of extreme stress and/or heartbreak.   So, this dream could represent emotional stress, or a release and healing of emotional wounds.

    Still, pray for God's protection over him, and that whatever comes is for his good.  Your prayers could be the key to safety or healing, whatever is needed.

    I wonder if the robot snake in any way resembled the medical symbol, the "snake on the pole."  If she mentions more details, share them with us.

    God bless you.


  7. she misses her brother and loves him. I do that with my brother. when hes gone i cry! :(

  8. lol? first time mother? these dreams are normal, growing up had dreams like this all the time.  if she is lucky, these dreams will cause her to become mentally unstable while making her superfocused on one subject of interest and she could potentially be the next emily dickenson...and i dont know if u know this but girls like this are the most attractive because they become the hardest to get and understand, ur daughter is off to a good start

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