
Disturbing/Disturbed by Neighbor?

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I just moved into a new apartment. I am on the fifth floor, in an apartment with hardwood floors. I am a quiet person, yet the neighbor across the hall from me comes over every single night to complain because she can feel her floor vibrate when i walk around in my apartment. I really dont know what to do about this, i am not stomping around, simply walking. The man who lives below me has not complained about the noise or vibrations. I feel bad that i am disturbing this woman, but i cant not walk around a place that i am paying to live in. thats unreasonable. I have put one rug down, and plan to fill up the rest of the floor space with another one, but beyond that i am clueless as to how to make this woman stop coming over to complain every night! any suggestions?




  1. Sounds like she needs to get a life.  If the people below are not complaining I doubt that it's even you. Does she have someone above her?  It could be them!  Tell her your sorry but that there is nothing you can do and then ignore her. Good luck!

  2. Maybe I'm not such a great neighbor, because I would tell her to go s***w herself, and then complain to the landlord that she is making too much noise, and then file a harrassment report on her.

    Noise is something you have to accept living in an apartment, if she doesn't like it she can move to a house.

  3. bring the matter to the land lord. and let the land lord be the judge. if even the land lord agree with her, then it must be the flooring problem. not you. if the landlord finds nothing wrong, then she's just out there to make things difficult for you.

  4. I would explain to her just that. That all you are doing is walking and if there was something that you could do to fix it you would. Then she will just have to get over it! If she comes over again... then complain to your landlords... you have been so nice and have tried to make such an effort! Good Job!

  5. Tell her what you just stated to us. It's funny that a person below you does not care. Yet she is across the hall and does. HUM! I have lived above and below. Never have I had a complaint of across the hall. Just let her know. You were not rude asking the question. Best Wishes.  

  6. About all you can do is tell her that you plan on carpeting or putting rugs down on the floors and until then, there's not much else you can do. She'll have to put up with it for a little while longer until you put them down. Just let her know that you're not doing it on purpose and that you are trying to be as quiet as possible, but you refuse to live like a hermit as well.

    (Maybe this is the reason why the people before you moved out - they were being harassed by the lady across the hall?)

  7. SHe might be overly sensitive. I have a friend that is like your neighbor! I will go to her house to visit and she'll ask me, did you hear that?! I'm like what?? Then she starts flipping out about her neighbors and the "noise". Meanwhile, I didn't hear anything that wasn't normal for a apartment building. These are the type of people that need to live in a house. I would just go about my business. It's hard to reason with craziness.  

  8. Talk to your landlord about her complaints.

  9. When you get home, take off your shoes, and put on some cushy slippers (sheepskin is perfect).  That might solve the problem.  

  10. Tell the old bag "Sorry, I can't FLOAT around my apartment so you're gonna have to deal with me walking."  Next time she comes back, say "If you don't quit harassing me I'm gonna file a complaint with the landlord."  If she comes back after that, don't answer the door.  If she won't go away, tell her you're gonna call the police.  If that doesn't work, give her an angry banker.      

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