
Disturbing Sealife Report?

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I read this story about the decline of some of the sea life. I try to do my bit with trying to only eat fish that are not endangered. Just wish other people would do the same. Is there anything more that i as one person could do to help.




  1. my best idea would be not to eat seafood at all, because even if you are eating non endangered fish or shrimp, the bycatch for these stocks have been estimated as high as 20:1 (ie. 20 unuseable animals for every 1 shrimp caught). although the tuna may say dolphin free, there is no regulation of this statment and sea turtles are often the victims of nets

  2. Well in that case we'll have plenty to eat!!  Have you thought of becoming a vege?

  3. Really hard to do but I do not buy cod,and all tuna is dolphin friendly I buy,but I wish we could all do something as well but there are too many peopole now who just don't give a d**n.What is the answer?


    I hope everyone out there is using their seafood watch card.

  5. I believe mankind will destroy itself by overfishing long before global warming could be a factor.

  6. In order for your link to work you have to put http:// in front of the web address. I have found the website and linked it below. I will now read it and come back. The best way to do it is when you are actually on the website go up to the web address in the address bar and just over top of it left click to highlight it, then right click and select option: copy. Then go back to your question and left click over the field you want to put the link until a blinky thing pops up. Then right click over that field and select option: paste. Hope that was helpful I will now read the article and get back to you.

    Edit: Read most of it. The problem could be as simple as public awareness. People don't know sharks are in as much trouble as tigers or bears. Or it could be people fear sharks or detest them and feel no sympathy for a creature that in their opinion as a fish and not a mammal is nowhere near as intelligent as tigers and bears.

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