
Disturbing dream analysis for the experts in this field please:?

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goes something like this:

person dreams that their beautiful interest of gardening and cultivating is wrecked by an abusive parent. The polytunnels of shrubs which are grown as a hobby only and to be given to friends is ransacked and the plants binned. This powerful dream is dreamt by someone late 40's, and it is reminiscent of something that happened years back. (destruction of a beloved toy).Any feedback on this very greatly appreciated.




  1. something that is loved and is done for fun is being ruined by an "abusive parent" or someone/thing that represents what should be a protective force but is abusing that position by being controlling and preying on an innocent child. This force is trying to take away something that the dreamer holds close to their hearts in order to intentionally hurt them. This could mean that the dreamer who is late 40s is remembering the earlier event of the destroyed toy and incorporating what happened and their feelings about that event into something that relates to their life today. There may be someone or something in their life that is trying to hurt them or is being manipulative and they know that and it is surfacing through their dreams. The fact that the dreamer sees them as an abusive parent could mean that they hold some position of authority in their life- spouse, boss, etc.

  2. It is very probable that the person who dreamed this dream was abused as a child-either emotionally, physically, or sexually. The abuser was someone they were very close to, very similar to a caretaker or someone they trusted, not a stranger. The beautiful garden and careful cultivation of the shrubs is how the dreamer felt about  the toy that was destroyed in real life. The dreamer has had abuse that they have not dealt with yet (and I don't mean accepted-you don't accept abuse). They should really see a professional if the dream is a reocurring one. If the dreamer is not aware of any abuse in their life, maybe some memories are coming back.

    Good Luck.

  3. This person is trying to move forward, grow, and go on to peace and tranquility but something is pulling them back into destruction.  

    The gifts they want to give are being ruined.  I think in some ways they may see themselves as those plants, unable to grow and not worth giving.

    If this person is not seeking the help of a psychologist, it may be worth a few visits to get to the true root of the problem and how to deal with this effectively.

    It would be interesting to know if in real life they have had more contact with the abuser.  If they have had to take care of some of their affairs.  

    I've attached a link to an article so you can try to use the dreams to figure out more.  There is also a link to a dream dictionary at the end of the article.  

    Best of luck.

  4. you have not dealt /confronted what happened years ago so this needs to be done confront the person to get closure this will stop the dreams being ruined.

  5. It seems like you've already got it figured out.

    s/he dreamed that the ability to love, nurture, and give was controlled by someone else.

    If you would like to offer hope, remind the person that the dream used plants, which grow again. Not something that can't be replaced. S/he can bloom too in the coming seasons.

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