
Disupting kids in class?

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What would you do to a kid who disrupts the class by acting silly?




  1. Many children have learned to misbehave to get the attention of the teacher and they need to learn better ways to get get the teacher to recognize they are in class. Try catching them being good. Smile, pat their back, when the child is working or playing well.Try praising all the kids who are acting appropriately and ignoring him. "I like the way --- is sitting, I like the way--- is raising her hand."

    When does the child act silly? Is it at a specific activity or time of the day? Is the child avoiding a specific activity like writing letters which may be difficult for him? Is the child hungry? Tired? There is no easy answer, but the child who needs the most loving is the child who is acting the least lovable.

  2. :-)  How old is this child?  I have a group of very silly boys ranging from 2-5.  As soon as one gets started they all copy...especially the younger one because he loves the instigator.  :-)  

    Number 1)  rethink your expectations.... do you have too high of expectations?  Can you incorporate the silliness?  I find that when I'm absolutely against a certain behavior they are going to try the harder to do it more.  :-)  Just a little food for thought.  Normally we get silly for a moment or two and then we get back on track.

    Number 2) when does this child do this?  Maybe the child's been sitting too long?

    Someone mentioned proximity seating.  This definately works...having him sit next to you or help you  with something keeps the child focused.  With an older child it is very beneficial to discuss this with them and then tell them you are going to help by putting your hand on their knee when they are getting silly.  Maybe giving the child a "squisher" to have something to manipulate during sit down times will help.  The other children will just need to discuss with them.

    Good luck!

  3. It depends on how the child is disrupting the class? Could it be that there is not enough free time in the classroom or does he have a problem with behavior at all times. If he is acting silly at an inappropriate time I would ask him to please wait to do that behavior outside or during fee time. If he is acting silly during story or circle time I would give him one warning and then ask him to please find another area away from the group until he is ready to join our activity. Each child is different and we have to decide what to do for each child's behavior in many different ways., Some times it takes several different methods to find one that works. But try one method more than once so he knows there is a specific action.

  4. Talk with  more  experienced  teachers for suggestions.  Is there  a  time out  area like  a  divided  short  wall with  related  study  material. If  he  doesnt  have  audiance its  no  longer  FUN.   And  keeping  notes  on exactly when and  what  he/she  does  for a  report to parents.(I now  case  went  to school board because  teacher  simple  said  "talks in class") Does it  relate  to  early in day, mid  day  or  all day??  Saying  to  him you are  very disapointed  for his behavior and you know  he  can  do  better.  Warn parents  will be  notified.    Telling  him "jokes  are  for  play  time".  Then dont  give  him  any more attention,  IM  just  a  grandma  who has  had  some  disruptive  kids.  *mamatx

  5. Address them, but be very careful how. Embarassing the child in the presence of his/her friends shouldn't be the goal. Try to do it casually, but if he/she persists, then don't be afraid to get in his/her face. The other kids need to know that what the child did isn't acceptional, and so does the child. Be sure to make the child recognize why his/her act was wrong. Don't worry about how the other kids think of you after. There's bound to be tension, but it'll blow over. Don't forget that this child gets passed onto another teacher, so make it easier on the next one.

  6. Do you have a behavior management system? Like colored cards that the children move when they aren't following rules?

    Do you have rules posted with pictures? Are they stated positively?  e.g. Use listening ears; Use walking feet; Use helpful hands; Use soft voices, etc.

    Do you have a system for positive reinforcement? Like individual sticker charts or a prize jar or letting the best listeners at circle time choose centers first.

    Have you talked with him about his behavior? Have you talked to his parents?

    Have you used proximity seating?

    Do you limit whole group time to no more than 15-20 min for 3-5 year olds?

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