
Ditched school?

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have you ever ditched school and why?




  1. No. It's stupid and childish.

    The only time I have left school in my 11 years (I'm in 11th grade) was earlier this year when I had to pick up my mother and take her to the hospital (she got injured at work and my father was out of town).

  2. No, because it's a stupid decision that doesn't benefit you in any way.

  3. yeah, man. bcauze we all have an age where we all are going to be rebelious. i'm in that age right now and i'm smokin and ditchen and it feels good :]

  4. Yes, it was like a drug to me, once I ditched I always wanted to ditched and I did alot. I deeply regret it now that I am older.

    it started because I didnt want to take a test, then I started to do it cause i didnt want to be there.

  5. If you mean "ditched" as in quit? yes I did and then I had to fight like c**p (meaning study) for my GED. I finally got it and then was able to go to college. Seemed like the thing to do at the time as a rebel but school would have been a lot easier looking back.

      If you mean "ditched" as in skip a day? Yep, did thay too, all the time which ultimately led to quitting my senior year. Stupid move on my part.

  6. Yes, cause i like to take small breaks and relax at home. School gets really stressful and so sometimes i just take a day or two off and come back. Normally i do it on wensday and thurday so i can get my homework on friday and have the whole weekend to work on it.

  7. sorta my mom to me shopping and to COSI

  8. yeah, i called in sick and hung out with my best friend all day..

  9. When I was 14, I started skipping school for weeks at a time. I ignored all the threats of the Division For Youth and continued skipping. They sent me away to a reform school     (150 bad *** kids) where I attended classes for 10 - 12 hours a day, even on Saturdays and all summer long as well. Unfortunately that didn't discourage me from quitting when I turned 16. I passed my high school equivalency when I was 17. Then some college, but I never finished. I would actually recommend to teenagers if they aren't going to a university and have poor to average grades, that they quit at 17 and get a GED and start community college a year ahead of their graduating class. High School Diplomas are just the beginning of the credentials you must posses to get ahead these days.
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