
Ditherer Brown, Badger Darling and now Ballsup Balls.?

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Can you tell me why these jokers are still in a job as I wouldn't let them clean my shoes.




  1. the name Ed Balls would make a good stage name actually for a comedian

    add an R to front and almost get a soft drink that doesnt give you wings

    it gives you red balls though

  2. I'm not laughing Simm.

    Don't you feel that there's something "not right" about Gordon Brown. I can't quite put my finger on it but he kind of reminds me of one of the robots from a Terminator film: human on the outside but cold and mechanical within. Darling and Balls are simply lackeys and do what they're told, which probably explains a lot.

    Mind you the whole cabinet is peopled with saddos.

    But then of course Brown picked them!

    (The only thing that strikes me as funny is that the smiley w@nky little man called Balls in reality has no such organs!)

    I'm going to post this answer and then put my head in my hands for a quiet weep.

  3. me neither.

    can't be trusted.

    Deja Moo.

    different suit same BULL.

  4. as jokers , they are far from funny. they should be removed from office. now.  

  5. It was a piece of p..s for them to get into power, but for us to get rid is virtually impossible. Gordon the Gorgon won't call a general election because he knows that he will be stuffed, or a word that means similar. The rest of the 'crew' are just getting as much out as they can before their day of reckoning. Brown Balls Darling? Yeah they will be when the electorate are finished with them.

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