
Diving spinning while flipping?

by Guest55759  |  earlier

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How do I add more twists while i'm flipping. I can do 180 flips just fine, but whenever i try to do anything more it totally fails. my 360 flips turn into like a side-flip doohickey thing, and anything more than that gets me a nice red spot of my side. I've asked some people before who i see doing it, and they say 'just throw your arms". so i tried that, and all that did was send me off the diving board at an angle and i almost hit the edge, and i rather like living. Can anyone help me out here?




  1. use the force....

  2. This is really hard to answer without actually being able to show need to set yourself for the somersault before you twist. Go down the board like you normally would and as you lift off the board bring your fists to your ears as if to do a straight somersault. I always twist to my left so this is how Im telling you start to go over the arc of the dive throw your right fist across your chest to your waist line above your left the same time keep your left fist at your left ear, arm locked and swing your bent arm back as if to elbow someone standing behing you in the face. Hope this helps!

  3. sorry charlie no deal, this is the dating section....go watch a show

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