
Division is destroying the Democratic Convention. Why doesn't Hillary do something?

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Everything sounds good from the mainstream media, but Convention insiders are saying that the Convention is becoming a trainwreck internally.





  1. Hillary is incapable of bringing the Democratic Party together. In terms of raw persona, she is not a uniter, she is a divider. That severely limits her appeal, which is exactly why diehard Rush Limbaugh Republicans wanted to see her become the Democratic nominee and not Obama. If she had won the nomination, moderate Republicans, which have become increasingly disillusioned and disenfranchised by Bush-Cheney's policies, and moderate independents would be much less likely to vote Democratic this November. Now those same die hard Republicans are reveling and encouraging Hillary's (supporters') bitterness and irrational hatred towards Obama.  McCain's chances are rightfully slim if his hopes for the presidency depend on a militant L*****n coup of some sort.

  2. This is almost as amusing as the 1968 Dem Convention. I was there on vacation and can remember looking out the back window of my parents car as we fled the riots at about 3 AM. To this day I believe that it looked like all of Chicago was burning.

  3. and what would you have Hillary do ?

    she has already come out strong for obama.

    obama doesn't even want her help.

  4. According to who, Rush?

  5. Whatever she's doing (or anyone else for that matter)...


    In all seriousness, though, what do you expect. The Democratic Party is nothing more than a weak-willed coalition of special-interest groups and divisions. No matter what one group does, some other groups isn't going to like it. If the Democrats continue to keep their party the way it is now, they'll never be unified.

    Something with which this conservative has no issue.

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