
Divorce Information Please Help! Contested or Uncontested?

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My husband left the country in November of 07', there has been no communication between the two and I have no way of reaching him. We have no assets and no children (nothing to divide). How do I file the complaint for divorce? Is this contested or uncontested? I'm positive he will never return, however, we have nothing to divide thus I am unsure how to approach this issue. I am capable of doing the paper work myself, and attorney is not an option at this time. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated?




  1. My name is Banks Diana i am the most excited person on earth today because few minute ago my fiance called me on phone begging me to accept him back and forgive him for the wrong he did to me in the past. i loved him so much but he failed to release it and went on cheating on me till the day i cut him on bed with my best friend. hmm it was really painful so i broke up with him but just yesterday morning i saw some testimonies on Google of how Doctor Dave Africa from used his powerful spell to restore a broken relationship so i contact ( through his email to also seek his help because i was in pain and i still love my fiance but all he said was don't worry i will help you with your case though i never believed him but i just tough of giving him a try and now i can boldly say that Doctor Dave is a great spell caster who cast spell excellently with prove because he restored my broken relationship just the same way i read about him on the internet. My dear friends reading this now, do you need help of any kind then Contact Doctor Dave today to help you just as he helped me via email:(


  2. Granted that your spouse won't return to the country, reconnect, and save your marriage, then you can simply file for an uncontested divorce. You can download free divorce papers by copying the URL below and pasting it on your browser:

    However, since he returned to his country, you will probably have to search for divorce laws that apply to his country by visiting their embassy. After talking to the people there, you will probably deliver the petition to him via a service processor. If he does not acknowledge or put his signature to the petition, then you will proceed with the divorce without him.

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