
Divorce question, about the kids?

by  |  earlier

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My exwife and I split 2 months ago. Since that time she has already moved her new boyfriend in (a 20 year old kid from canada) gotten herself pregnant, and I think married him. (She is 32)

My 2 kids, 8 and 9, who live with her are now calling this new guy dad. They gave him a shirt for fathers day that they made before they even met the guy. My wife is putting them up to this, I know, but it is ticking me off.

I need advice...




  1. Just let your kids now, that no matter what happens or who is with mommy you will always be their dad. She is so obviously not over you and wants to make you suffer.

    My ex wife did almost the same, started dating a jerk, got herslef preganant the jerk left her and now I take care of our son and her son.The point is don't let this get to you, I know it hurts and it pisses the s**z out you but jsut stay calm. Wait and jsut watch her plans and world crash and burn, then go running in and take your children to live with you and YOU WILL BE THE ONE LAUGHING.

  2. Sorry but unless it states in your divorce agreement that they can't call anyone else "dad" tough cookies for you.  I'm a step mother to 2 boys and I would NEVER ask them to call me mom, so I really understand why you're angry, they are your biological children and as such should only call you dad.  Let this go, when you see them, remind them how much you love them, and be a great dad.  Children are smart and recognize who loves them, and who is real.

  3. you can win them in court if you are not on drugs and fit to raise them. She is obviously not.

    Otherwise, you should contact this new guy yourself and be friendly with him, tell him you dont want your kids calling HIM dad, and tell him man-man (even though he' s 20) that you need to respect each other.

    Then talk to your kids about it and explain that you are their dad forever and they only get 1 dad in life and that you love them etc..  

  4. Well sooner or later they will realize you are the dad and make sure you have the visitation like you are supposed to. You also need to do the things with them that a dad does. the contact is going to be a big key here make sure you do cause if you don't the ex will tell the kids you are nothing. She is probably brain washing them into thinking you are nobody, so like I say keep the contact.

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