
Divorce rate in South Africa?

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What is the main reason why people can’t maintain monogamous relationships, and is it true that men are more prone to cheat on their spouse ?




  1. I honestly believe that it boils down to sheer boredom, it's difficult to appreciate the same person with continued excitement and enthusiasm for 10 to 30 consecutive years and to keep the relationship interesting, both physically and emotionally, it takes a great deal of work and commitment and some are not prepared to work at it in an age where time is always a major constraint and lives are stressful.

    I don't think men are bigger cheats than women, it just seems that way, women are certainly also capable of philandering and bear in mind it takes two persons to have an affair, not only a cheating husband.

    I personally try and ensure that I never put myself in situations where an affair would become likely or a possibility, rather remove the temptation that fight against it.

  2. Men are spoilt for choice, and with the gorgeous women of SA they cant keep theirtongues in their mouths long enough to realise looks dont make a woman. Some rush into marriage and end up realising much later that they dont really know each other as well as they thought they did. Most new couples put up such a facade and can never keep it up once the relationship progresses. Communication barriers as well, we speak totally different relationship languages. People can get divorced over chores... its rather sad.

  3. Men are more prone to cheat, it is in their nature, they are hunters wanting to spread their seed..............I also think it has to do with s*x or lack of s*x. Women tend to "cool off" after their children have been born, either because of pure exhaustion or either hormones, boredom etc. I think both partners must make an effort to ensure that s*x is kept alive during the marriage, although a relationship is not purely based on s*x, it is very important.


    Well Ferrari if you really must, erect a pole in the living room for some pole dancing, I must say i never needed so far to erect a pole anywhere in my house .......

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