
Divorce? what are my options? serious answers only please.?

by  |  earlier

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i found out from a friend that my husband went behind my back and filed divorce papers yesterday. i guess im getting served them tomorrow. i want to know what my options are because i knew we had some communication issues, but aside from petty things (me not finishing a degree quickly enough for his taste and going at my own pace), there are no grounds for divorce. no infidelity, nothing. last we talked (we're both very busy w/ school and work), we were going to work on us, but he's made school SUCH a priority that it hasnt happened. in any case, i don't want the divorce, i want to get counseling first and try to work on us, THEN divorce is a very final last resort. i'd even try a separation if thats what he wants. im in the state of california, and he can afford a lawyer (not easily but he can) but i cant. what are my options as far as telling him this tomorrow and not signing the papers yet? i know i have 30 days in ca to respond by signing or fighting, but if i want to fight it and try to get a judge ruling that we try to work it out (wehavent tried at all, we've only ignored the giant elephant of non-communication in the room due to school and work and life in general) in counseling first, how can i do this w/ no money for a lawyer? is this even possible? does he have grounds for divorce w/out my consent? i may add more on this later because im quite emotional and confused right now, so im not sure if im making sense...any help, SERIOUS answers, will be appreciated.




  1. Ask for advice from close friends and relatives. And don't forget to consult a lawyer, too.

    It seems that you still love him and would want to save your marriage. Why don't you try talking to each other?

  2. Sorry for your pain.  But it sounds like to me although it may not seem so to you, he is doing you a favor.  You deserve someone who will treat and love you the way you deserve to be treated and loved.  Let the loser go.  Most states with divorce everything is split 50 50.  If he files, get and lawyer and make him pay for the divorce.  Go to your family members for support and advice, they love you and will help you through this.  

  3. This is CA, he can divorce you without consent, we don't name reasons here, so you're left with no much except to try to appeal to him personally.

    You also don't have to have money for a lawyer, his lawyer is already on it.  I'm very sorry about this, he's an a**.

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