
Divorced??? Please share your story if you can, I think I may be heading down that road... ?

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I don't want to like any one really does but something just isn't right anymore.. If he does something that makes me bothered, sad or is just rude and inconsiderate to me he sings around the house and thinks nothing of it. Thats love?? When I see him sad (not often) or hurting with a sore back I try to help, When he sees me sad or hurting he avoids me or jags around withthe kids and acts like I am not around.




  1. you have no reason to divorce.

    Try to live alone for 6 months and support yourself....will that make you happier? I do not think so.

  2. Need more info. but if that is the worst of it then sounds like you could try  working on it first. I have been in a relationship for 7 years, where I get called names and so forth, so perhaps I am stupid, but I still think divorce should be LAST resort unless abuse is involved of course, thats a no-no. Try talking or a counselor first, cause it will hurt the kids. People seem to get divorced easily now. I may be TOO stupidly loyal, but others want perfection and that is not possible. You did not write very much to go on.   Follow your heart, but I recommend a counselor, but if physical abuse is involved - that is a get out asap situation. Best wishes. I myself am asking myself same question.  

  3. He may be acting that way because he may not know how to deal with stuff like that. I just went thru a divorce and my husband was seriously like a stone cold wall. Whenever I was hurting, he would not even acknolowedge it let alone talk about it. If there is still love, try to work it out. Go to counseling, see your pastor, talk to friends and family. One of the biggest things I realized after the divorce was that I was sort of in a bubble while I was in that marriage and I didn't see things from an outside perspective. Now that I am outside of the bubble, I see my mistakes as well and how it contributed and I see things clearer now. Maybe try to put yourself outside of the bubble you are in. Now, after the divorce, my husband calls me at least 3-4 times a week and tells me that he is sorry for the way he treated me. If you love your hubby, don't let the marriage fail just because of a lack of communication!

  4. Anyone that sings around the house is a "keeper"

  5. okay when he stops singing around the house then be worried right before my divorce my x husband started doing things for himself

                        making his own lunch

                        washing his own clothes

                        and taking long drives 'alone'

    and what does 'jags' mean does it mean he plays with the kids i dunno when he stops coming home or doing things alone then question his motives other wise talk to him if he doesn't pay attention then talk at him trust me some of what u say is bound to stay with him especially the word divorce

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