
Divorced finalized 8/22/08, was told cant get alimony if married less 7 yrs,what r my chances?

by  |  earlier

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im deaf & have full custody of stay at home mom for past four years while ex husband worked. i was told i cldnt recieve alimony if married less 7 confused as judge asked if i wanted alimony. under so much stress & lack of information,i said no. after divorce was finalized,was told the information i got was wrong. i want to file for alimony,is it too late?




  1. Who told you that you couldn't get alimony?

    You should seek proper legal advice.

  2. hi sweetheart go and speak to youre nearest legal centre and they will be able to advice you excatly were you stand on this as i know from city to city it is different and im in the uk ....thats the best advice i can give you ....i hope you can get this sorted out so it helps you and youre babies .....good luck and take care xx

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