
Divorced guys, whats the hardest part after the divorce is done?

by  |  earlier

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felt betrayed (not in a cheating way but you took care of them for years and they now show no appreciation), her dating, kids? just curious what happens.




  1. I was happy because I had my life back and didn't have to live with an unhappy person anymore.

    I cared about making my kids lives as normal as possible. I was lucky and had older children and was able to keep them and our house together.

    I got over her lying , cheating and stealing pretty quickly.

  2. The time after is the hardest. So you have to learn to let it go, you both go your separate ways. There is no appreciation from a spouse once they have left, sometimes not even while you're providing everything for them. They have no sense of gratitude, you cannot force it on them. Be glad for what you did for her and move on. It's a cliche but it's so true: Life goes on.

  3. One of the hardest parts is to get you children to like/accept the new woman when she comes into your life . . .good luck on that one!!

  4. well first i had to clean up after the party i threw...

    in all seriousness, there is nothing to do per se.  You enjoy your time.  You do things YOU wanted to do.  Enjoy your friends.

    its a time to heal and reflect.  Even on the bad stuff.  Very important so you dont repeat the same mistakes.

  5. Starting over period is the hardest thing.  What you are feeling is a natural part of divorce process.  Her dating is no longer any of your business and vice versa.  If you have children together, take care of them and do your best to not let them see any of your pain.  As easy as it can be, do not talk bad about their mother and if available, seek out a divorce support group.  Not seeking a support group was probably my biggest mistake.  Everyday gets better.  Don't try to rush things as far as another relationship.  Take some time and do you.  It is not the end of the world

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