
Divorced parents! DO you hate that time of year when your kids have to go

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on holidays with your ex!

How do you cope?

How long do they go for?

Do you have other kids that stay with you?

I have said goodbye to my 2 oldest sons (16 and 13) today, and it never gets easier! I have 2 other kids aged 6 and 3 by my current husband! The older boy has made it clear he is unhappy about going and he wont be next yr! I think he was even crying as he will miss his little brother and sister so much!

Last year we let them go for the longest time ever (3 weeks ) It was a nightmare! I feel very lost and upset without them! And upset for the little ones as they are sad too! Anyone else feel this way!?




  1. me and my sister left my mom for 3 weeks to go spend time with my dad and she was heart broken..but when we got home we talked and hugged and we love each other so much...

  2. It is very my case I was angry and resentful about it cause my husband left me when I was pregnant and I was pissed thinking that he didn't deserve my son for what he did to us...mostly me but he refused to help buy him clothes or a humidifier...he laughed at me when I asked him to at least give me $30 for it...I was not working when he left me (I was supposed to be a stay at hom mom) anyways...we ended up getting back together and had another if we got a divore I think I would be ok with it for the fact that I know my kids love their daddy and need to be with him as well..they are 4 and 2. I think that I would try my hardest to live as close to their dad as possible and try to work it out that they see each other every day if possible...

  3. I'm dreading that day..really am, stresses me out and I cry thinking about it. my son is only 15mths old, so his father hasn't been allowed to take him anywhere as of yet..but I know the day will come.  

  4. I know it must be hard, but think about how hard it must be for their dad who has to go most of the year without seeing them.

    My parents were divorced, and I feel sorry for my dad because he missed a lot of our growing up. He's a great dad, too.

    For the time being, just work on spending time with the other 2 kids! And call your sons and tell them you miss them!

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