
Divorced person and insurance?

by Guest61650  |  earlier

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I got a quote online for house content insurance. The difference between declaring myself "single" and "divorced" was £8 more for divorced. Why is that? I have been divorced for over 10 years and use my maiden name. Can I consider myself "single"when filling in forms or would that be lying?




  1. The difference is simply because people who are divorced tend to cost the company a bit more to insure. Nobody can really say for sure why, it's just a numerical fact.

    What the company does is look at all the information you've given them and look at their massive collection of claims. They figure out how many claims people the most like you tend to file on average and how much each of those claims cost them. They then use this to figure out how much to charge you.

    It doesn't always make sense or have a logical explanation. It isn't any kind of judgment. It's just numbers.

    However, you *are* single. I'm not sure, but there may not be any reason you cannot put single down.

  2. The reason is that if you are divorced, it is assumed that it was bad tterms and that you are more likely to put in a claim due to domestic events. I put single after 2 years of being divorced as it was cheaper and I was using my maiden name, it is not illegal

  3. Lying on the insurance application is illegal and makes the policy invalid.

    It is better to pay a bit more than have the insurance deny your claim altogether.

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