
Divorced women please comment?

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I'm writing a screen play about a couple growing through a divorce, but I'm not sure how the processe happens. Please comment especially if it was you who did the divorce. Name the reason, also




  1. My husband left me after 6 1/2 years of blissfully happy marriage. I was 7 months pregnant with our second child when he left, claiming that he was in love with someone else.

    My heart was broken. Completely. My world was shattered. I'd been blindsided -- this came from out of no-where. I was already feeling fat and tired and unattractive because I was pregnant, but when I heard he was in love with someone else -- some young, blond, smart, beautiful woman he'd met at work, WOW. That was a blow. I wasn't sure how I was going to go on, really, but I knew that I had to somehow find the strength to suck it up and be a good mommy to our first daughter, and eventually to our unborn daughter as well.

    After about six or eight months of waiting for him to change his mind, I began the healing process. At the one-year mark, I began to go out on dates. I filed for divorce. Our divorce was friendly enough ... we've vowed to remain civil for the sake of our children. Now it's over, and even though I still feel the pain and bitterness and the occasional memory pop up, I can honestly say that what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. I'm a different person now than I was two years ago. A better person  in some ways. A damaged person, yeah, that too.

    Hope that helps. I'm going to check out your other question now.

    Best of luck!

  2. Why would you be writing  a screen play about something you know nothing about?    

  3. My ex and I are still Friends, we shouldn't of ever gotten married!  After 15 years, we decided to move on!  Well actually he moved on before I did, I mean he got a girlfriend, but I didn't mind I didn't want him to be alone!  I have since falled in Love and am adopting 4 boys, and I married there Dad 2 years ago!  xox

  4. Wasn't ready for marriage in the first place, grew bored, cheated.

  5. We realized after about 12 years that we really never did even like each other.

  6. Divorce can be painful even when both parties want it and remain friends. It is, after all, the end of a relationship, though the relationship may just change.

    I got married because I thought it was the right thing to do. Neither of us were passionately in love. After 5 years, I ended up cheating. I knew that I would keep cheating, so I left my husband. Even though I didnt want him, it hurt that he replaced me so quickly. We are friends now, and I really like his new wife (the same woman he moved in just 2 months after I moved out). Its been 4 years since we split. My fiance is still going through his divorce and it brings back a lot of memories for me. They seem to be going through the same phases. They have been separated for almost 2 years, but actually seeing the divorce papers, which they just got last week, was still weird and stressful.  Good luck with your writing.

  7. My wife left me for another man.  A poor, troll man. Go figure.

  8. the relationship of a husband and wife depends only and only on love....and when there is no love there is only one thing left that is a burden...

  9. cheating and selfishness

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