
Divorced women with kids: Are you interested in getting remarried?

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My girlfriend is divorced, has kids, and is awesome. She's never brought up marriage, and I'm not interested in pushing for it, things are great now... just wonder if I should expect hesitance in the future if things do keep going good and we do start to discuss it.





  1. I am not divorced, but have considered it, LOL, seriously. No, I don't think I'd ever want to get remarried ever again personally, but maybe that's just me. You should go on how long you and her have been together first of all. Like things are great now, but how long have you been together then? Like say a year or less? Then no, still to early, even at 1 1/2 - 2 years, probably still to early depending on why she's divorced, like, was her marriage abusive? That would take longer I 'd think. Or did he cheat on her? There could be trust issues still if there was cheating in her first marriage. If her divorce was mutual, no violence or adultery and they just decided they wed the wrong person(s), well, then no problem after a year or two. I'm just saying about the abuse of Other-person divorce issues because you wouldn't want to pick up on someone else's problems if they haven't healed quite yet. If things are good now, then your doing something right, maybe you should come right out and ask her if she thinks she'd ever want to commit again in her life, and find out these things but I suggest you do it in privacy without the children around.  Even if she says no now though, people change so don't give up on her because true love is hard to find these days.

  2. It depends on her...maybe her beliefs or her family pressures. I was in a similar situation...except she had a baby for me...I was committed but from her standpoint, we needed the paper work...So she won of course. We've been together for 5 years and baby 2 is coming in a week or so. Take Care

  3. i was a single mother for 6 years before i remarried on may 9, 2008. i was never against remarrying, i just knew i wanted to be 100% sure this was the guy i wanted to be in my life and my daughters life forever.

  4. How long has she been divorced? How long have you 2 been seeing each other. Have you spent time with the children. Subtle hints are good as long as you have been seeing her for a year.

  5. Why do you think marriage would make things go side-ways?

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